Chapter Four

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For her birthday she received lots of gifts, and a week later she began to accept the fact that her father was no longer mad at her, now she's confident to try to provoke him, she's been testing the waters, and her father would raise his voice at her whenever she brings up something from the past, or just trying to provoke him. He's still known for his temperament but it isn't as bad.

Her thrist was quenched after they went hunting, however she feared she was in a coma and maybe that's why her father is acknowledging her.
July 30th, 2016.

Charlotte now is able to join them in the feastings, she realized that she wasn't allowed before not because she was young but because Caius ordered it.
"Caius, Bella appears to be alive" Felix informed, "I see, well what did Aro say Edward do?" Caius asked, "He said if there isn't then he'd join the guard." Felix says, "Very well, then have his family visit" Caius says.

"Are we seeing Edward Cullen again?" Charlotte asked, "Yes, Sweetie" Caius gave Charli a pat on the head, "Is his soulmate alive?" "It appears so, he has to change her now" Charlotte just nods.

The next day the Cullens arrived, "Daddy I wanna see them!" Charli begged, "you can accompany Heidi then" Caius gave in, "Thank you!" Charli hugged her dad then went to the main entrance, "Princess what brings you here?" Heidi asks, "Well daddy said I could come" Charli says, "Stay close to me then" Heidi walked to the main gates, and saw the cullens there.

The blonde haired woman caught Charlotte's attention, "I'm glad you all could make it on such a short notice," Heidi begins to say, "Yes, and I'm glad to stop by" it seemed the leader of the coven says,

"Whose that young girl?" Esme asks intrigued, Carlisle remembered helping giving birth to Charlotte, but he decided not to say anything.

"This is-" Heidi says but was shushed by the child, "I can introduce myself" Charlotte said then turned her attention to the Cullens, Esme was surprised to see that the young girl shushed Heidi the most gorgeous Volturi member, "I am, Charlotte Athena Volturi" Charlotte proudly said.

"It's you" Edward's voice said as he stepped out from the back, "I can't begin to thank you" Edward continued, Charlotte looked at Edward, "it was what I thought was right to do " she says then looks at the other members then she saw Carlisle, "Dr. Cullen?" she says, "I see you remembered," Carlisle beamed, "yeah, you were the doctor who helped deliver me" Charli exclaimed, "I'm thrilled to see you doing so well" Carlisle continued.

Esme was shocked that Edward, and Carlisle were the only ones who knew of her, but what was her relations to the Volturi? "Charlotte, my husband talked much of you and I'm actually glad you convinced him otherwise" the hazel brown haired woman stepped forth "I presume you are Bella" Charli says, "Yes, I thank you again" Bella says, Charli beamed but then she saw Alec. Fear struck her face, "Heidi escort them in the throne room" Charli ordered then ran off.

"Charlotte!" Alec called out, but he gave up. "She is scared of you" Felix says, "This way please" Heidi says, Did That young girl just order Heidi? Rosalie thought, "Who is she? And what is her relations to the Volturi?" Rosalie asked, which Esme was thankful because she too was curious, as they neared the throne room, Caius stepped down from his throne and happened to overhear the conversation, "To answer your inquiring minds, Charlotte is my daughter" Caius said, Esme gasped, then Rosalie was shocked, how could that sweet girl be the daughter of the cold notorious king?? Bella thought, "Edward I'm here to see if you changed Bella yet" Caius continued, "When she becomes 18 years old we'll change her" Edward says,
"Well don't you know that we gave you till you find out she was alive you would change her" Caius says, "I understand but she isn't ready yet" Edward pleas, "then you know what will happen correct?" Caius menacingly said, "please I'll change right now!" Bella says, "But your mate just said you weren't ready" Caius recalled, "Well just don't execute him please" Bella pleas.

Charlotte decides to enter the throne room, and witnessed what was beginning to happen, Bella on her knees and Edward in pain.

"I'm not going to execute him, Aro gave him a choice to either join the guard" Caius begins to say, "Father" Charlotte intervenes, "Just leave them be, he'll keep his word" Charlotte scanned the room, "Charlotte, this isn't your battle" Caius says staying composed, "Dad. Don't do this to Carlisle's Family" Charlotte ordered, "Charlotte just go to your room!" Caius raised his voice, Charlotte walked closer to her father, "No, I will not" Charlotte replied, "Just leave them alone!" Charlotte matched her tone to her father, "Watch your tone" Caius said, "I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for CARLISLE" Charlotte turned away and slammed the throne room doors.

I never seen anyone provoke King Caius Esme thought, "Fear not, I'll give Bella till the end of her 18th birthday." Aro steps in, "Stop giving into Charlotte" Caius rolled his eyes, "She has a point brother" Aro says, "Fine, until her 18th birthday you must change her" Caius said then turned away and slammed the throne room doors, "Ah. Father like Daughter" Aro sighed, "Carlisle, what does Charlotte mean?" Esme asks, "Well her mother died giving birth to her, and her father was going to toss her away" Carlisle says, "It doesn't seem like he was going to toss her away" Esme says, "It appears their relationship has been mended." Carlisle says, "I see" Esme was really intrigued with the child of Caius. "Does she like shopping?" Alice prompted, "ALICE!" The cullens said in unison, "Sorry just trying to break the silence" Alice says, "Charlotte saved us all again" Bella exclaims "Indeed, If not for her I'd have to join the guard" Edward said, "Now, That i think about it, Charlotte does take after her father quite a bit" Rosalie says, "you're not wrong" Carlisle added. Aro and Marcus had went back to their duties till they heard lots of yelling in the halls.

"MURDEROUS FILTH?" Charlotte yelled, "DO NOT YELL AT ME" Caius yelled back, "Look whose talking!" Charlotte argued, "I was going to handle things perfectly" "How so FATHER? THINK OF EVERY LITTLE THING TO HAVE HIM KILL?" Charlotte raised her voice again, then ran off "Get back here!" Caius chased Charlotte.

"Perhaps this is a bad timing" Carlisle thought, "You said they had a stable relationship" Esme says, "Well yes, because Caius is tolerating his daughter's behaviour, and the old Caius would've just locked her up in the dungeon" Carlisle replies, "This is really entertaining" Emmet boomed, The yellings continued for a solid 10 minutes, then it stopped. "Is it good to go?" Esme thought aloud "Let me see" Alice says,
"It appears they are hugging each other" Alice says, "After all the provoking?" Rosalie said aloud, "what's happening now?" Esme asked, "She's asleep and he is carrying her to his chambers" Alice says, "Why his chambers?" Rosalie thought, Felix stepped in, "It's because Charlotte has insomnia whenever she sleeps in her own room or any other room" "But why his chamber?" Rosalie asked, "She finds comfort in his scent and since Master is hunting during the time Charlotte is asleep, he is unable to comfort her if she wakes up to a tight terror" Felix responded, I never thought I'd see that side of Caius Carlisle thought.

The Girl Named Charlotte✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon