Chapter 30

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Caius's POV

My daughter just texted me that she and that.. Girl who is her friend will be dining at the La Fabio.

Luckily I was near the block.

I didn't like the fact that my daughter befriended Chloe.

But as long as my daughter is happy then I can rest at ease.

It was probably the first time since she was one years old that she hyperventilated...

"Baba!" Charlotte said her first words.

"Oh my goodness! Aro she said her first words! But I'm not sure what she is trying to say..." Sulpicia.

"Our Little Charlotte wants her daddy I'm sure of it" Aro says.

"I wanna swee Baba!" Charlotte began throwing blankets out of her crib.

"Sweetie, you're father is quite busy" Sulpicia replies gently.

"Nu! Uh!" Charlotte grabbed onto the rails of the crib and attempted to stand up.

which took most of her energy.

"Baba now!" Charlotte was crying so hard that the whole castle heard.

"Charlotte, please calm down" Aro says.

"Baba!" Charlotte sobbed.

"Please stop crying!" Aro demands.

Charlotte looks up at Aro.

"Baba..." she sniffed.

"Corin get over here now!" Aro demands.

Charlotte shook her head vigorously "Baba! Baba!" she clenched her small fists.

"Corin do your magic" Aro instructed.

Then Corin binded Charlotte to not yearn for her father.

The cryings stopped.

I didn't know what happened afterwards.

I was still full of hate towards the child but I didn't want the child to cry.

I got up from my office and opened the door to the nursery.

There she was soundly asleep with a pacifier in her mouth.

I looked down at the child sleeping.

I didn't want to call it mine but some part of me broke through the wall I built myself.

I stared at the child with hate.

"It's been a year since she's died at your doing" I stated.

Then left the nursery.

I hated myself, I hated that I wasn't there for her, I hated that I couldn't look passed Athenodora's death.

I had looked at my daughter with a murderous intent.

If there was such thing as a time machine I would do it over.

I walked into the building and politely smiled at the Receptionist.

"I would like to reserve a private area" I said.

She nodded.

then guided me to the backroom of the restaurant.

After a few short minutes, I got a call from Benjamin.

The Girl Named Charlotte✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt