Chapter 26

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Also! Take your time to watch the Anime Music Video... it was rather touching.
Caius's POV

I was scrolling through the news app when I heard my daughter burst out of the bathroom and said.

"I don't want to go" I put my phone down.

She was shaking badly.

I pulled her in for a hug.

I continued to rub circles on her back till she was not shaking as badly.

"I thought you always wanted to visit the amusement park" I said hoping to perk her up.

What she said next was absurd, "Why would you want to be in public with the looks of me?" she grabbed a fistful of my shirt.

by now I had gotten used of my shirts getting damaged.

"Charlotte, you are beautiful, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise, and I'll personally put them back in their place" I began to say.

"You're my prized possession, you're my daughter, and I would never feel ashamed of having you" I continued.

she was beginning to calm down a bit.

"Charlotte, anybody can see you're my daughter, now tell me who is bothering you?" I asked.

I had a hunch it was Chloe and her best friend.

but I didn't want to explain how I would know.

She begins to tell me but she was still crying.

"What are they doing to you?" I asked

ready to kill anyone who dares to touch or hurt my daughter.

"That's it"

I've lost it.

When she mentioned being aborted and mother.

I was about to go and kill them.

but I didn't want to do that to my daughter.

"I'll see them in court" I said.

when my daughter was asking what I was doing.

then she proceeds to defend them, which is to my dismay.

"Yes, I would like you to search into this Chloe girl, that attends the same classes with my daughter" I said.

I walked around the room, and glanced at Charlotte laying on the bed.

"Chloe Charlwood?" I repeated through the phone.

her father Roy Charlwood... the head director of the private school...

"File a lawsuit against the Charlwood family" I said.
"Charlwood? Are you sure" Jenson asked, "Yes, for hurting my princess now sue them for having their daughter harassing my daughter" I gritted my teeth.

"Alright sir, I'll make sure it happens" he clicked off.

I looked at the time it was now 9am a lot of stuff happened within the last 60 minutes.

"Piccolo would you like to go still?" I asked sitting on the bed.

"Let's go on that roller coaster, and besides your daddy is actually scared of them" I admitted.

Then I saw a big grin on her face, "Then let's go! What are we waiting"

she gets off my bed and grabs my hand.

I didn't care if I told her my weakness, as long as she is smiling.

"Okay but I have to change my shirt since you soaked it" I said before we exited the room.

"Oh right! Hurry then!" she blushed then let go of my hand, I chuckled.

Chloe Charlwood is the daughter of the Roy what will happen in Court?

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