Chapter Ten

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Charlotte Volturi, is  officially a teenager, she turned 13 years old as of July 23rd.

Caius had been studying up on his daughter's newly found powers, but it didn't explain the seeings of figures in the hall when she was nine years old, Caius already had been warned about how teenagers behaved, he had studied up on that too.

Charlotte faced her fears, and she is able to see Jane, and Alec  without feeling threatened.

Charlotte will be attending Volterra Junior High.

she's been homeschooled for most of her life but today she gets to buy all kinds of stuff to decorate her locker, and school outfits too.

even though Junior High doesn't start till September 4th.

she was nervous she hadn't interacted with any kids her age before but she was taught lessons upon lessons that she will not slip up.

or even invite any friends over.

her identity was to be kept a secret.

Charlotte yawned when her father told her that countless of times.

"Yes father I know, keep my mouth seal about my identity and who I am yeah" Charlotte rolled her eyes.

"It's very important, any slip ups could lead to vampire destructions" her father reprimand her.

"I understand, Dad" Charlotte got up from her chairs

"If you break any of those rules, you'll be homeschooled up to high school, now we don't want that" Caius said.

"Okay, I promise" Charlotte says, "Good, now let's have Heidi go shopping for your stuff" Caius said

"Why can't I go shopping for them?" Charlotte asked.

"You're a princess, and you shouldn't have to go things on your own" her father reminded her.

"Now that you've grown up a bit, it's very crucial on how you act" Caius rolled out from his office chair.

Charlotte just nods, "Your reputation is how you'll live amongst the vampires" Caius says

"Dad I'll have you by my side" she begins to say.

"Yes, that's correct, but there are times you'll be on your own" her father said.

Charlotte looked at her father.

"So can I date that Romanians son" Charlotte put her finger on the edge of the desk and spun around, "Absolutely not!" her father barked, "I thought I'd try" she shrugged then walked out of her father's office.

She had recently began to read 'Charlotte's Web' and she's surprised at how well it sums up her life as well, she's read it at least 20 times within the month.

Jane and her actually became really good friends now.

"don't you ever get tired of reading that book?" Jane asks while sitting down next to Charlotte.

"nope" Charlotte says popping the 'P' "well, there's this new book coming out, it's called 'In my father's footsteps' I think you'll like it" Jane says.

"Thanks Jane,  I'll look into it" Charlotte set her book down to talk with Jane.

"so, did your father approve of you to date a romanian son?" Jane asked.

"No, this is what he said 'Absolutely Not!'" Charlotte imitated her father, Jane couldn't help but laugh.

"Yeah I'd figure as much, and that was pretty spot on" Jane says.

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