Twenty Eight: To Die For

Start from the beginning

"I am not unhappy in knowing that. You are mine in the eyes of the pack and I want all those smug face bastards to know it." Her mental voice was laced with possessiveness when she spoke, an undercurrent of anger lashing through my mind. "Especially Emilee. Did you know she harbored feelings for you?"

I shook my head, shivering as her fingers trailed over my scars, answering out loud since my mind was too preoccupied with her touches. "No I didn't. She was my friend in the months after I left your castle, nothing more. Though now I see that it should've been obvious to me."

As we fell into silence, I shifted my body so that I was facing her, my eyes trailing over every inch of her naked skin and bruises that still lingered from the fight. The most of them had healed, but the more serious injuries would require more blood. My lips formed a frown as I trailed my fingers down her leg to her injured knee, feeling the heat of the inflamed skin before I even touched it.

I sighed, knowing it should've healed by now and loathing that she was in pain. "You didn't take enough."

"I am fine, mon amour." Her fingers intertwined with mine as she brought them to her mouth, pressing her lips to my knuckles.

"But-," she stopped my protest with a chaste kiss to my mouth, brushing my forehead for a second as she pulled away, her eyes alight with love. "I'm fine, amoureuse, let it be." She chided gently. I sighed but did as she asked, my eyelids drooping as she continued to trace unseen symbols on my skin.

"Sleep now, je t'aimerai toujours." She murmured drowsily, her accent thickening as she blended English with French. I didn't have the energy to ask her what it meant, but I basked in her love for me all the same.

"We don't have long." I cautioned, yawning, but her breathing had already evened out into sleep. I traced her lips, cheeks, and brows with a fingertip, forever enthralled by her beauty. Drowsiness pulled at my consciousness and I let it sweep me away, knowing that no harm would come to me in her arms.


Camille slipped through the hallways as silently as a host, her power wrapping around her body like a warm blanket, hiding her from view. After the fight, Elizabeth had instructed her to keep an eye on the other contenders, knowing that a male's pride often overcame their common sense. She followed the scent of blood easily to the infirmary, running her gaze over the large room and the wolves within. She counted each body, pleased to see all fifty two of them laid out and wrapped in bandages. Various healers moved about the space, tending to wounds and gathering supplies. Trailing over the group, her eyes lingered on the only woman, narrowing at the memory of her kissing Azalea.

I'll have to keep an eye on this one. She noted the girl's appearance in her mind and gave the battered group one last once-over before slipping out of the room, heading back the way she came. A brief grin lit up her features at the soft moans and heady arousal wafting from the direction of Azalea's room, along with the mouthwatering scent of blood. Shaking her head free of the tantalizing allure, she took up position at the end of the hallway.

"At least someone is getting some." She grumbled to herself long after the sounds had faded, picking at her nails in boredom.

Her already keen senses remained sharp as wolves frequently passed by, completely unaware of the witch in their den. Whenever a wolf would linger too long at the base of the hallway she merely convinced his mind that he heard or scented nothing and sent him on his way. When the girl from the infirmary suddenly appeared with a nasty bruise spreading down the side of her head, Camille straightened to attention, watching her every move, mildly curious as to what she'd do.

The redhead's muscles twitched as the mousey haired girl took a step forward, her nostrils flaring, before she shook her head and sighed, a faint emotion flashing through her gaze. Camille was shocked as Emilee's emerald eyes snapped up, easily finding the wall where she lurked. For a second she wondered if her glamour had fallen and looked down, but it was still firmly in place.

The brunette's lips curved upward, her eyes traveling the length of Camille's body until they met her eyes. Not for the first time did she wish Michael was with her as he'd surely adore the fiery woman and would be more than willing to share her. "Will you let them know that the king is ready to move?"

Camille nodded and pursed her lips against the hunger in her throat, the fire only building when the girl fleetingly ran her gaze once more over her body before striding away. Only when she completely faded from view did Camille release a deep breath, feeling the tips of her fangs cut into her lower lip. It had been a few weeks since she last fed and she knew she'd have to do so soon before the ravenous hunger set in. Setting her jaw she shook her head and strode down the hallway, wrinkling her nose as the scent of sex and blood only grew stronger, further antagonizing her hunger. A wrought iron door had been nailed into the wall and echoed loudly as she knocked.

She grinned at the sound of Elizabeth warning her mate to wait but she didn't, and it only took a second for the door to open, revealing a sleepy Azalea. Her white hair draped around her shoulders and her fingers clasped tightly to the blanket that was hiding her nakedness. Knowing it would piss her sister off and having absolutely no control, Camille whistled appreciatively, enjoying the fierce blush that bloomed across the girl's pale skin.

"Busy night?" She drawled, casually leaning into the doorway, grinning as Azalea shot her the finger and Elizabeth growled behind her. Her sister wrapped an arm around her mate and tugged her back, her gold eyes set into a glower yet her lips twitched faintly in amusement.

"It was, before you interrupted." She shot back, a pained oof leaving her mouth as Azalea elbowed her, rolling her eyes at their banter.

"We were sleeping."

Chuckling, Camille could feel herself soften towards the wolf princess. Ever since she'd first laid eyes on the girl, she'd felt drawn to her. And although she was stunning with her white hair and lean muscles, she felt no sexual desire for her, only a fierce call to protect her. Sexuality was simply part of Camille's nature and admittedly she couldn't resist teasing her sister's mate, enthralled by the pure innocence that radiated off of her despite all the horror she'd faced in her young years.

Smiling, she relayed the message Emilee had given her, reluctant to pop their happy bubble. "The king is ready."

Azalea's carefree expression smoothed into seriousness and Camille had to bite back a smile as the queen in her rose to the surface. The azure of her eyes deepened into darker hues even as a yellow ring burst forth, strikingly resembling the sun's rays caressing the waters of the ocean. Setting her jaw, she spoke in a firm voice, layered responsibility.

"It is time." Her words echoed in the hallway even as the pair readied themselves for what was to come. Camille had only participated in one other blood bond before, a pack out of eastern Montana. They were only ever done under the guide of a witch and were extremely dangerous. However she had a feeling that this binding would be particularly powerful, since she would be binding a full-blood wolf to a pack that could not access the extent of their shifting abilities.


Her lips curved into a smile as hope bloomed in her chest. She was so close to reuniting with Michael and winning this war that it was nearly tangible and she knew once these wolves had their abilities restored, it wouldn't take long for every pack in the world to fall into place, eager to lend their aid to the Wolf Queen. All they needed now was a little blood from the heir of wolves, and the reincarnation of a goddess to move things along.

Oof. It's getting interesting 😉 thank you guys for all your feedback on my announcement! I will definitely hold them into advisement 😘 in the meantime, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Drop a vote 🗳 and a comment and I will see you soon! 💜☺️

-With love, K 💛

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