Chapter Nine: Before The Lights Turn Out

Começar do início

Turning to one of the guards, he said, "You know where to take her."

Quickly, the guard shook his head nudging his partner to get ready. They were to take Megan to his quarters. And by quarters, his headquarters.

Megan was now fearful.

"What are you doing? Where are you taking me?!" She exclaimed.

Looking behind his shoulder, he smiled darkly.

"You should have chosen me." He said, as if it was a simple answer.

A white soaked cloth was wrapped around the face of Megan. Struggling, she thrashed around until suddenly, she passed out.


Grabbing at the handle, she lifted herself up from the secret room she had made under the floorboards. Being worried that something like this might happen, she had secret rooms and things created all over her home.

Untouched and unharmed, she dusted off her clothes, then quickly picked up Max from the secret room as well.

"Well Max, it seems that they're done trying to kill me." She told her dog sarcastically. The dog barked, as if agreeing with her.

Looking down at her bright yellow pendant, she looked around at her now trashed house. There were arrows and loose bullets that hit nothing but furniture everywhere. Her heart began to beat faster just look at the sight.

"They really were trying to kill me." She thought.

"I wonder how everyone else is doing..." she thought aloud, now setting Max down letting him run around.

While in the secret room, her citrine crystal pendant had began to glow brightly, but as of now, it glowed a dull yellow.

She was very worried, because if the pendant stopped glowing, she couldn't tell if that meant that the person in trouble was dead, or healing.

Locking Max in his cage, she decided she would go out to try to help the others. Hopefully, it wasn't too late.

She looked around for her gun that she usually kept around somewhere. Scanning the home, her eyes landed on a closed cabinet.

She looked through the closed cabinet door, and her eyes got caught on Ambrosia and a gun. Smiling, she opened the cabinet and grabbed the gun.

Patting Max through his cage, she quickly shut her door and headed towards The Center of Regions, as she had a bad feeling about the place.

There was no doubt in her mind that they men had also targeted there.


Running at a rapid pace, Onika got more anxious as she saw the number of arrows laying in the grass.

They had targeted here too.

She heard a branch, or an arrow perhaps, snap from afar. Looking up quickly, she saw a blur of what looked like colors run past, disappearing behind a nearby building.

[OLD; DISCONTINUED] Acts of Vengeance Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora