The Friend Zone

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"So your just going to let this mysterious guy take her away from you?" Anthony asked while grabbing the nearest towel to wipe the sweat falling from his forehead. The band had just finished another rehearsal, and John was distracted by this mystery man Kate had taken an interest of. He shrugged before placing his guitar onto the nearest table to say, "I can't keep her hostage, Anthony. She's not mine for the taking. She can make her own choices. She has to pick who she loves, and if she doesn't love me..."

"If she doesn't love you?" Chad asked John, wakening him from his frozen state.

"If she doesn't love me, so be it." He sighed. Flea patted him on the back while smiling, "I'm proud of you John. I'm glad your not controlling over her. She is an independent woman."

"She is independent alright," John mumbled before continuing  "I just can't read her sometimes."

"What do you mean? Explain. I'm a ladies expert." Anthony chimed in before flexing his muscles, that would make Candy gag at such a scene.

"It's just...The night we spent together, she had a mental breakdown. She hated me, and she hated herself even more. She totally regretted everything. But when we were in the moment she was entranced."

"Hm. Interesting."

"Right? She was crying that she hated her body. She hated her life. She told me everything was a mistake."

"Kate's a sweet girl! She shouldn't think anything negative about herself. She's perfect just the way she is." Chad pouted, upset about their lady friend. It was silent, Anthony was deep in thought, trying to recollect his wilder days while sighing, "I knew a girl once who was the same way. You just have to show her she's perfect. Let her know she's perfect, John. It works every time."

"What works every time?" Candy asked, startling the band. Kate followed shortly behind her friend greeting the band with her signature smile.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it." Flea smiled. The band went back to work, while John noticed Kate was standing off to the side away from everyone. He decided to take this chance to talk to her. Reaching into his pocket he startled the girl by quickly sparking fire from his lighter before nodding, "I'm going on a smoke break. Care to join me?"

"Sure. I could go for a cigarette right now." She nodded before following him out to the concrete steps outside the studio. It was a quiet, hot day in California. The two sat there in silence, breathing in the nicotine as if there was no tomorrow.

"You know, yellow suits you. You look nice." John mumbled while referring to the ruffled yellow tank she was wearing along with a denim skirt. Blush lightly dusted her face before she mumbled, "Thank you. You look nice as well. I don't understand how you're not sweating wearing that long thermal sleeve."

"I am."

"Why do you wear it?"

"I don't like people seeing the scars. On my arms."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"It's fine-"

"You let me see your scars." Kate mumbled while looking into his eyes, referring to the night they had slept together.

"Well-yes. Yes I did."

"I don't like my image either sometimes."

"It's understandable. Everyone feels that way sometimes."

"Sometimes I feel like I don't belong in my skin."

"You do. You belong. Trust me." After a long period of silence, she pressed her cigarette into the cement before wiping her skirt. John followed her back inside, watching her presence. There was another room they began to walk past when John thought of an idea. Kate gasped when she felt a hand wrap around her waist, pulling her into the abandoned room. The door closed behind them, as she felt her back lightly press against the wood.

"John, what are you doing?" She was whispered, her hands resting onto his chest due to the small amount of space he was leaving between them.

"Are you alright?" Kate whispered again as he slowly began to hug her tight. She paused before trailing her fingers up to the back of his head, playing with his hair.

"Who is he." He pleaded, voice laced with sorrow. Kate's chest began to pound. She didn't want to tell him. She didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.


"Please. Tell me. I just want to know."

"I can't. You know I can't. You must understand. I want to make sure I'm certain about him. We've just been going on dates, nothing more." She explained, swallowing hard. She could tell he was in pain. John was jealous. Her hands were shaking. She couldn't bare to tell John the truth. It would hurt him even more than the pain he was in now.

"Does he make you happy?" John asked, burying his head into her shoulder. She sighed before replying,
"I don't know. John, I don't need you doing this. I'm stressed out enough about hurting your feelings. You're killing me."

"I'm sorry." He apologized before pulling away, refusing to let go of her hand. His thumb slowly moved up and down, caressing her skin. They stood there for a couple minutes before Kate decided to leave. He followed behind, realizing how much of a dick he had acted. I love this woman. I can't loose her, John thought to himself as he watched her hair lightly bounce among each confident step she was taking. He wanted to run his fingers through her hair, kiss her forehead. But he couldn't do that anymore. She was dating someone and John would respect that. Once again he was left waiting for her. Maybe he was tired of waiting.

"You know, Kate. I would let you see my scars anytime." He joked, receiving a giggle from her.

"Very funny. You're very funny John Frusciante."

"I like to call myself realistic rather than funny."

"Whatever you say, buddy." John froze in his tracts before thinking, buddy? Fuck I think I'm being friend-zoned.

Every Breath You Take (Rhcp Fanfic) PART TWO OF TAKE MY BREATH AWAYWhere stories live. Discover now