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"Hey." John nodded, before moving aside and motioning for her to step inside. She slowly walked inside only to be engulfed by Candy.

"Katie-pie!" Chad cheered before running over and lifting both girls up into the air. She laughed before hugging him back and mumbling, "I missed you guys." The sound of Anthony coughing made everyone freeze as Chad slowly lowered Kate to the ground. "Hey Anthony." Kate softly spoke while awkwardly shifting. He nodded before she sighed, "I'm just gonna get this over with. I'm sorry." The room grew silent as he stood there thinking deep in thought. Candy stared at her boyfriend hoping he would forgive her. John stood there for a moment watching Kate until he noticed Flea was watching him. He quickly rolled his eyes, lightly scoffing under his breath as he made his way outside.

"It's fine. Come here." Anthony smiled before opening his arms. The two quickly hugged each other before breaking away as she smiled, "I made brownies!" The tension in the room had finally faded away. Chad was talking to Flea, while Kate helped Anthony and Candy set up the food along the kitchen counter. "Much better food than Chinese takeout, right?" Anthony teased Kate while putting her in a headlock.

"Hey! Leave my best friend alone!" Candy laughed before slapping Anthony's arm and shouting, "Foods ready! Come and get yourself a plate!" Looking around she sighed while making her way outside to see John smoking.

"John. Foods ready." Candy softly sighed while leaning against the door.

"Oh. Sorry. I'll be there in a minute." He mumbled before trying to breathe in all the nicotine left in his cigarette. She sighed again before patting him on the back and smiling, "Hey. Loosen up. We all love you. Your welcome here anytime."

"Thanks. I appreciate it." John nodded, slightly smiling before following Candy inside. He felt lost and uncomfortable. He didn't want to impose on the bands dinner. But now he was apart of the band. After finding out Dave left, Anthony practically forced John to rejoin. Of course John didn't forget the fact Anthony kicked him out of the band, but at the time he deserved it. He was caught doing heroin again back then. He didn't tell Kate. Anthony caught him in the act after a concert. He fucked up. He wished he could've stopped. He wished he
didn't get into a car accident after leaving Kate. But that's just how the cards fell. There was a period of time where he became a homeless, heroin addict. It was dark. Flea found him on the street. Flea took him back to rehab. This time it took longer. They were more forceful, and not as nice. But when you become an addict you really start to question whether you deserve respect. After becoming clean, he had been spending the last couple weeks at Fleas apartment. He had earned some money by babysitting Clara when Flea had gigs. It wasn't a real job but it got him by to pay his monthly rent. Flea wasn't going to let him stay there for free, especially after he payed for his rehab. John felt like he owed Flea his life. He saved him. He probably would've been dead if it weren't for the happy-going guitarist. His thoughts were interrupted by a voice chuckling,
"If you keep staring at the food any longer it will eventually teleport into your stomach."
Quickly jumping he turned to see Kate laughing while holding an empty plate. When John came back he noticed a few changes in Anthony, Candy, Chad, and Flea. But Kate was different. She looked so different. She looked so much healthier. Her skin glowed, her smile was bright, and she looked stress-free.

"I...uh. Yeah." John mumbled, avoiding eye contact with his ex. Mentally he was slapping himself in the face. Why can't you just talk to her? He thought to himself before she continued,

"You need a plate to eat. Unless you want to try to the teleporting trick. But I think you'll be very disappointed after the first attempt. I've tried." She smiled again before holding the plate out to him. He stared down while noticing her hand was slightly shaking which made him blush. Awe. She's nervous, John thought to himself before taking the plate into his hands while replying, "Thanks Kate."  She nodded before making her way to sit down with the others. Was Kate actually nervous? Yes. The last time she spoke to John they both hated each other, and he told her to leave. I really keep leaving a bad impression on people, she thought to herself before sitting down on the sofa next to Chad. Looking up at the tv she smiled to see the bands music video Aeroplane playing. She never understood the video, but it was "Anthony's artistic vision." At least that's what Anthony claimed it to be. The group continued to eat and chat throughout the night. John sat to the side as he silently ate, minding his own business. It had been so long since he had eaten a real meal. He would occasionally eat dinner with Flea but most of the time he wanted to pay for his own things. Flea couldn't father him forever. He needed to get his life together. Trying to manage money to cover his share of the rent and his own necessities was difficult. The rent was no problem. But the scarcity of buying himself food, clothes, and other things became apart of his lifestyle. This meal was so much better compared to the same bowl of life cereal he would eat every night. He stood up to go get himself seconds when he noticed Kate was washing dirty dishes in the sink. He turned to notice everyone else talking so he decided to take this as an opportunity to slip away and talk to his ex.

The sound of the kitchen door closing startled Kate, causing her to jump. Turning in the direction of the noise she was surprised to see John as he gave her a quick nod before asking, "Can we talk?"

Every Breath You Take (Rhcp Fanfic) PART TWO OF TAKE MY BREATH AWAYOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant