All Good

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For the first time in a couple weeks, Kate had finally built up the courage to attend a Red Hot Chili Pepper concert with Candy. She had received no calls from John ever since there argument. Ever since there rough confrontation, she had been going on dates almost everyday with Dave. Dave was staying in town for a couple weeks with a friend, and to her surprise, Kate didn't want him to leave. There relationship was being kept a secret. She hadn't even told Candy. Kate wanted this relationship to be perfect before telling everyone who she was seeing. She was tired of looking like a hopeless romantic. After the concert she had promised Dave she would meet him for dinner.

"Um hello? Earth to Kate?" Candy scoffed, breaking Kate's deep thinking.

"Hm? Sorry. I spaced out." Kate laughed before brushing a strand of her hair to the side. She currently had on grey sweatpants with a white crop top, as Candy motioned to her outfit before asking, "You're wearing that? To a concert?"

"Yeah. So? It will be hot, and sweaty. I don't feel like getting dressed up nice."

"But a certain guitar player will be there..." Candy winked while smirking before Kate snapped back,
"Hey! I told you, I've moved on. He hurt my feelings."

"Whatever. Let's get going..." The blonde mumbled before applying her last coat of mascara. A pit started to form in Kate's stomach as she realized how awkward this was going to be. Over the past couple weeks she had been in contact with the other band members except John. They all probably knew about there fight anyway. Candy was known for spilling secrets more often than usual. Her knuckles were white, gripping the steering wheel like her life depended on it, as Candy helped her with directions to get to the venue. It was packed. They pulled up to a gate where they saw the bands van parked behind. Fans crowded along the fence trying to pry in, banging on Kates car. "What the fuck..."Kate gasped, trying to avoid eye contact with the psycho fans. A security guy waved the gate open, pushing the fans back. She slowly pulled the car through to see the band smoking outside the backdoor.

Anthony waved to see the two girls before running in front of the car. Kate slammed on the breaks as Anthony laughed. "Cut it out!" Kate yelled out loud laughing, before honking the horn at him.
"I'm walking here!" Anthony yelled back before flexing his muscles. Cranking the window down with her hand, Kate peeked her head out the window while yelling, "Anthony, I will hit you with my damn car if you don't tell me where to park." He laughed before putting his hands up in surrender, motioning her to follow him as he walked down the street in front of them. She could feel Johns stare but refused to even acknowledge him. After they had finally parked, the two stepped out of the car to be greeted by Anthony pulling them in for a group hug.

"Thanks for coming. Sorry you had to deal with those fans." Anthony smiled while ruffling Kate's hair.

"Don't worry about it. I'm just glad my car isn't scratched up." She chuckled as they walked.

"Are you coming to the after party tonight?"

"I'll think about it." She nodded before being greeted by the rest of the band. Chad picked her up while yelling, "Katie-pie! I haven't seen you in forever. Thanks for coming. I'm glad your here." She giggled  before being placed back onto the ground. They all stood in silence as John and Kate refused to acknowledge each other's existence. Flea coughed before cheering, "Alright! Let's head inside. I got beer."

"Beer?" Flea asked Kate while holding the can out. She shook her head no and smiled, "As much as I would love too, I'm Candy's taxi driver for tonight." He laughed before sitting down next to her and mumbling, "You know, he does feel bad for what he did."

"Then he should apologize."

"Hey. I'm not asking you to marry him, just talk to him. I know how awkward you two can be when it comes to conversations, especially after a fight. What's the worst that can happen?" He was left with silence as Kate picked at her nails. She wanted to talk to John to clear the tension. She took a deep breath before standing up to make her way to him, only to be interrupted by the crew member yelling, "One minute! One minute til stage!" She rolled her eyes before looking around for Candy. Anthony had given the girls passes to watch from the side of the stage. The two made there way to the chairs seated behind the curtain, on the side of the stage.

"This isn't as fun as it used to be. Before they were really famous." Candy sighed wishing it were a small venue. Kate agreed with her. The crowd went wild when the band walked out. It was packed. Once they started playing both girls stood up before screaming, getting questionable looks from the crew members. They danced as if no one were watching. Kate was having the time of her life. Opening her eyes she was greeted to make eye contact with John as he played, sweat forming on his forehead. She froze. Time felt still. She slowly smiled before giving an innocent friendly wave. His mouth twitched upward as he nodded back before turning to face the crowd as he continued to play. Blush had made its way to her face before she quickly shook it off, sitting back down in her seat.

After the concert the girls waited backstage. The guys came running off, drenched in sweat. All shirtless except for John who was wearing a black long sleeve. "Awesome job! You guys were great!" Kate smiled as she was pulled into a sweaty group hug. After talking for a bit, she waited to the side for Candy. Watching John pack his things she made her way up to him before joking, "I see my guitar lessons had payed off. Nice job."

He shook his head before sarcastically replying, "Thanks. I learn from the best." The two stood in silence before they both spoke at the same time,
"Are we cool?" Kate nodded before explaining, "Yes. I said some things I shouldn't have. The pregnancy scare had me stressed out-"

"No. I shouldn't have said the things I had said. I hurt your feelings. I'm sorry." John interrupted before continuing, "Are you going to the after party? I'd love to catch up with you."

"I would love to, but I can't. I have plans." She explained to see a smirk form on his face.

"Alright. Have fun. You know if your sneaking around with someone, they better be worth it."

"I didn't say I was sneaking around with someone-" she blushed, caught off guard by what he had said.

"Sure. Whatever you say, Miss.Viverette. Have fun with your so called, plans." He emphasized, making Kate giggle. She looked at the time and quickly turned to see Candy in a make out session with Anthony. John watched in disgust and sighed, "Go. I'm sure she won't be disappointed she has to leave with Anthony. I'll cover for you."

"Really? I um.." She stuttered as he discreetly walked her towards the door. She took off into a jog to her car as John leaned against the doorway. Quickly coming to a stop she ran back to give him a quick hug before saying, "Thank you, John." Before he could reply she was already in her car, speeding down the street.

Every Breath You Take (Rhcp Fanfic) PART TWO OF TAKE MY BREATH AWAYWhere stories live. Discover now