Hey Stranger!

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"I'll see you later. Hi John!" Candy smiled, opening the door, and leaving Kate helpless. The two of them stood there in silence before John mumbled, "I went out to get you some groceries. Your fridge was empty."

"Oh." She mumbled, to her surprise that he came back. John entered the apartment before making his way to her refrigerator. Kate sat on the counter next him, watching intently as he stocked the fridge. Her knuckles were white, gripping against the marble countertop. John noticed her silence out of the corner of his eye and asked, "You okay-" only to be interrupted by Kate blurting out, "Did we use a condom?" Her face turned red as she buried herself into her hands. John was frozen by what she had just said, mouth slightly agape from her outburst. He stuttered, "Y-Yeah. Of course we did. Why are you yelling?"

"Oh. I'm sorry. I thought we didn't, I didn't see anything in the trash can-"

"I took your garbage out before leaving."

"No you didn't. I dug through the trash can in the bathroom this morning. It was just tissues-"

"I blew my nose after cleaning your very dusty apartment if that's the tissues you're talking about." He smirked before closing fridge. He walked towards the disheveled girl before sitting next to her. His hand lightly caressed her back before mumbling, "Don't worry. Ever since that incident, I'm gonna use protection."

"So you came prepared. I should've known all you wanted was to sleep with me-" Kate snapped as John placed a soft kiss to her lips. His hand was laying at the back of her head, turning her to face him as he snapped back, "Don't be rude. That condom was in the dish next to your bed. I'm sure Dave loved to see that every night, did you buy them so he wouldn't have to? God forbid he actually did something that lazy son of a-"

"Shut up! You swore whatever I told you was not to be brought up again. At least I'm considerate about my safety. Remember the time you had me knocked up, while you were in rehab for screwing another girl with my name? Remember that John?"

"I was in a bad mental state and I apologized several times."

"You can apologize all you want, but I'll never forget what I went through. How can I let that go?"

"How can I let go the time you overdosed on heroin? In a hot tub? He was a good boyfriend, remember Kurt?"

"He wasn't my boyfriend, he kissed me once."

"Do you know how hard it was to see your body being lifted onto a stretcher?"

"You left me. You never came back. You never called to tell me you were alive. I'm stuck in the same place I was in when you left. Slaving in a pharmacy. I don't have time for you, John. I've moved on. I'm grown up. I suggest you do the same. I'd like you to leave please."

"I didn't mean to be-" John sighed, realizing how much of an asshole he was being only for Kate to yell back at him, "I said leave. Get out!" She couldn't bare to look at him. The slamming of the front door made her flinch. He was gone. Tears began to brim in her eyes before she shook her head, running to her room. She jumped onto her bed before burying her face into the nearest pillow. Everything she had ran from in the first place was catching up to her. The miscarriage, the overdose, John, everything. Just when she had started a life for her own. She hated being alone but at the moment this seemed like a better option. Hours went by as she sobbed in silence. The rumbling of a storm outside comforted her as she watched the lightning brighten the darkness of her room. The phone seemed to ring every forty-five minutes. It was probably Candy but she didn't feel like talking to anyone. She wanted to be alone, something she had feared for so long.

The doorbell ringing caused her to groan before thinking, I swear to god if it's John I'm gonna scream. Slowly maneuvering herself out of the bed she made her way to the front door, looking through the peep hole.

"Oh my god." She sighed before dropping to the floor. She couldn't believe what she was seeing with her own eyes. This has to be a dream. Wake up. Wake up, Kate thought while pinching her arm. Quickly standing up she rolled her shoulders back and hesitated before opening the door.

"Hey, oh. Did I come at a wrong time?" Dave asked concerned, while holding a bouquet of flowers before continuing, "I know I haven't called you in a while. Living away from you, gave me some time to think. I've never met someone so devoted, and caring. You seem so fragile, but are nothing compared to that. You, Kate, are indestructible. Every time I'm with you I want to keep coming back. I know John is back, but I just wanted to tell you Kate Viverette, I love you." When he was left with silence he continued, "I understand you're not ready. But I'm willing to wait for you. Take your time. I don't care if it's years from now, I just want you to be ok with this. I could never forget you. I'm sorry for this, probably not the best time to tell you but I had to get this off my chest."

"Dave..."She mumbled while wiping the tears falling from eyes before hugging him. His warm embrace was comforting. Dave was willing to wait for her. She pulled away before softly asking, "Are those flowers for me?" He nodded and smiled. "Yeah." She stood there in surprise for a couple seconds before coming back to reality. "Come in, please! Its freezing! Do you want some tea? Tell me all about your life up North. I haven't seen you in a while so I know you have stories to tell." He chuckled before sitting down at the kitchen counter.

"Well it started off..." Dave began to speak as she sat down across from him with two mugs of tea
as she thought, thank you Dave.

Authors Note:
Hey everyone! Thank you all for the kind comments! It means so much to me! I hope everyone is staying safe, and healthy. I'm coming out of writers block, and will start to update this story more! I will be going back to fix some errors made in this story, and the story prior to this. Once again, thank you all for the support :)

Every Breath You Take (Rhcp Fanfic) PART TWO OF TAKE MY BREATH AWAYWhere stories live. Discover now