Catching Up

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A loud, high-pitched noise filled Kate's ears which caused her to groan, and stir from underneath her bed sheets. Slowly stirring, she sat up and looked around her room. It was dark. The clock next to her bed read, half past seven. Walking out of her bedroom towards the kitchen she was greeted by Anthony, holding a tea kettle with a look of disappointment on his face. Holding the kettle up he sighed, "Are you trying to start a fire in your apartment? When I came in, this kettle was on the stove. Still cooking. You have to be more careful and remember these things."

"Okay, mom. Sorry. I forgot about it last night. I worked a late shift at the pharmacy." Kate explained while taking the kettle out of his hand, proceeding to pour the petrified tea down the sink. A lot had happened in the past year. Kate had finally earned enough money to move out of her fathers house and get an apartment of her own. It was right by the beach, and had a balcony where you could watch the waves roll onto the sand. She continued to work at the pharmacy and got ranked to assistant manager, which increased her pay. Her job wasn't perfect. But it was enough to get her by for now. After her and John had gone their separate ways, there was a long period of time where Kate thought he would actually come back. For months she still wore the ring on her finger and waited. She waited for six months. She couldn't call him. She had no idea where he had gone. Anthony had no idea, neither did Flea nor Chad. She finally lost hope and took the ring off, about half a year ago. It was rough. She later got back into contact with Candy, Anthony, and the rest of the band. Dave was still apart of the band. Everything seemed to be fine. She enjoyed being single. She had been able to focus more on her job, and her well-being. She never told anyone about what had happened between her and John. She only told Anthony. No matter how many times Kate had thought Anthony had been in the wrong, he still managed to never do her wrong. You could tell he had always cared about her. Looking back, she could understand his decisions. She was able to find herself. No one ever questioned their break up. They just assumed things between them had faded away.

"Are you okay?" Anthony asked while taking the empty kettle away from her hands, bringing her back into reality.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I just spaced out for a moment. I was thinking about something." She mumbled while scratching the back of her head.

"Thinking about what?" He replied, while placing the kettle back into one of the kitchen cabinets.

"Don't worry about it. It's not important. Why are you here?"

"I'm just checking in on you. Good thing I was here, or your kitchen would've caught on fire. How did you not here the kettle whistling all night long? It annoyed me when I came into the house."

"I don't know, Anthony. Geez. Stop reprimanding me about the stupid tea kettle. The problems solved. Your like a dog with a bone, you keep bringing the situation back up again."

"Sorry-I'm sorry. I didn't mean too. I just worry about you sometimes-"

"I'm fine! Okay? I promise I'm fine." She mumbled, before turning on her heel and making her way back to her bedroom. He rolled his eyes before following
her mumbling, "You always say that." The two made their way outside to the balcony of her bedroom, sitting down in the beach chairs she had out for decoration. He pulled a cigarette from behind his ear and went to light it before she grabbed it, tossing it into the trash can below the deck.

"I hate you." He laughed as she snapped back, "You really need to stop doing that. It's a bad habit." Putting his hands up in surrender he teased back, "Okay, mom." The two sat in silence, enjoying the nice cool breeze, the salty smell. They usually did this. They both could sit here for hours in comfortable silence, without saying a word. Days like these made it seem as if there were no worries in the world. Slowly leaning back into the wooden chair, Anthony spoke, "I was talking to Dave last night."

"Ok." She replied back while looking down at her nails. Things always seemed tense around her and Dave. They had quite a history, but decided they were better off as friends. Candy kept pushing for them to get back together but Kate refused. Dave was a nice guy but she wasn't ready for any commitment. She liked being by herself.

"He, um, wanted to know how you were doing." Anthony mumbled, while scratching his chin before continuing, "I um, told him you were good. He wanted to know if you were dating anyone but I said you weren't looking for a relationship at the moment. Candy got mad at me."

"Thank you, for telling him that. I appreciate it. Did he actually talk to you? Or did Candy talk to him first, and you just had to testify for me?" She asked while slightly chuckling. He nodded while laughing before replying, "Yes. I had to testify for you."

"Thank you."

"What can I say? I'm a smooth talker. He got the hint."

"You didn't have to do that. I would've told him, straight to his face."

"I know. You probably wouldn't of put it as nice as I did, though."

"The truth hurts."

"Damn. Your cold, Kate Viverette."

"Am I? Really? Do I come off like that?"

"Of course, not." Anthony smiled before standing up and brushing his pants off.

"Where are you going?" She asked slightly frowning, following him inside.

"I have to go set up for that bar concert tonight. Your coming, right?" He asked while grabbing his car keys off of the kitchen countertop. She nodded before replying, "Of course. I wouldn't miss it. I might be late because I get off of work at six."

"Six? When do you have to be at work?" He asked while looking at the time before she panicked, "Shit! I have to be at work for nine and it's eight thirty! Damn, Anthony! I'm not even showered! I didn't eat anything either!"

"Need a lift?" He asked while leaning against the wall, watching her scramble for her scrubs. She quickly nodded her head before looking at the time and asking, "Do you think I'll have time to take a really fast shower?"

"Go for it. I'll time you." Anthony laughed before adjusting his watch, as she took off into a sprint to the bathroom.

Every Breath You Take (Rhcp Fanfic) PART TWO OF TAKE MY BREATH AWAYWhere stories live. Discover now