All the Feels

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"Flea remodeled his guest bedroom? It looked the same to me." Anthony mumbled, while handing the pack of beer to Kate as she placed it into Anthony's fridge.

"That's because you don't pay attention to anything, Anthony." Candy sighed while stretching out on the kitchen counter she was sitting on before continuing, "You didn't even notice I dyed my hair the other day."

"Blonde is blonde! Kate, Candy tried telling me that she dyed her hair from the color dirty blonde to golden blonde! Dirty blonde? Gold blonde? Blonde is blonde!" Anthony argued back while lightly pulling on a lock of his girlfriends hair, trying to find a difference.

"There is a difference. Dirty blonde is a mix of brown and blonde hair, while golden blonde is just blonde hair." Kate added to the conversation while placing more grocery bags onto their kitchen table.

"I don't know. I guess I don't notice the details. You both like to look at everything with a microscopic lens." He sighed while picking Candy up off the counter and placing her onto her own two feet to make more room for groceries.

"I can't help it. To me it's just a normal thing to think like that. Speaking of thinking...let's move the subject back to Flea. When I went over a couple nights ago to babysit Clara he was acting strange. He panicked when I went to go check out the man remodeling the room. The strangest part is this man likes to play the guitar? At least that's what Flea said. I heard him playing when I had just arrived. Isn't that strange? I usually babysit Clara at his apartment but he asked if I could go to mine instead. It's like he didn't want me to be in the apartment with this unknown man." Kate asked the couple while taking a seat and placing her chin into her hands. She couldn't forget that night. Everything was so strange. What was Flea hiding? Why would he want to hide it from me? So many questions paced throughout her head she spaced out, neglecting Anthony's voice until he interrupted, "Kate? Earth to Kate? Ground Control to Major Tom?"

"Sorry. I spaced out for a second."

"We know. You looked like you were about to fall asleep! Anyway, what Anthony and I were saying was you probably misunderstood. What if Flea just had someone staying with him. You know he doesn't mind taking in a couple strays who need help. Or what if he was actually getting the guest bedroom remodeled and the man in there was listening to guitar music on the radio rather than playing an actual guitar? You probably spaced out like you did just now. What's with that? Is everything alright?" Candy ranted as she continued playing with Anthony's hair, creating tiny little braids.

"Me? Yeah I'm fine. Your probably right. I probably just misunderstood. I'm gonna head out. It's getting late." Kate mumbled before saying goodnight to the couple and making her way outside. She wanted to believe she misunderstood but things still didn't make sense. Something was still off. Shrugging her thoughts away she jogged down to her car in the darkness. She hated when it was night. Mostly when she had to drive in it. It always gave her an eerie, unsafe vibe. The never ending darkness when she would pass the beach always creeped her out. It was as if when the sun went down the ocean would completely disappear and become replaced with unknown terrors. She slowed the car down as she came up to a light that had been red ever since it had came into her view. Coming to a full stop she softly hummed to herself while mumbling, come on light please turn green. Turning the music up on her radio she closed her eyes hoping this hell for her would end. Slowly opening her eyes she groaned noticing the light was still red. Her hands began to shake as her eyes began to transform random figures hidden in darkness into monsters, or serial killers. Quickly looking in all directions she floored it on the gas pedal and quickly drove away with no care in the world that she had just ran a red light. That was ridiculous. The light must have been broken or something, she thought to herself while looking back in the rearview mirror.

Quickly moving her eyes back onto the road she gasped while noticing a person walking across the street was coming very close in contact with her car as she sped up closer. Quickly swerving she yelled while letting go of the wheel and bracing herself for impact as she headed straight towards an electrical pole. She looked down and hit the break pedal as hard as she could, causing her body to shoot forward as her forehead slammed against the wheel. Groaning she looked up and sighed in relief at how close she had stopped before the electrical pole. Am I alive? Kate thought to herself while looking around and hearing the thump of her head pounding. The sound of knocking on her car window caused her to wince as she turned and jumped at the hooded figure knocking harshly on her window. It was dark, she was scared. This was one of the worst things that could have happened to her. Tears filled her eyes as she screamed, "Don't hurt me! Please don't hurt me! I'm so sorry!" She heard the person let out a disgruntled sigh as they opened the car door and snapped, "Kate I'm not going to hurt you! Are you alright? Your heads bleeding." Her eyes widened as she flinched and yelled again as the hooded person went to touch her head. The person quickly placed her arms at her sides and softly said, "Kate. It's me. Stop freaking out." She stared in confusion until the person sighed and stepped back, taking their hoodie off. John? It can't be John. Why does he have long hair? Why does he look so different? Has he been living in town this whole time? I thought he moved far away? A million thoughts ran throughout her head as she stared at her ex in confusion. She shivered while feeling the warm sensation of blood slowly drip from her forehead down to her cheek in a thin line.

"I thought you left." She slurred while slowly closing her eyes and fainting onto the dashboard. Everything in her perspective seemed to be moving in slow motion. The last thing she heard was John curse, before yelling out loud for help.

Every Breath You Take (Rhcp Fanfic) PART TWO OF TAKE MY BREATH AWAYWhere stories live. Discover now