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"Hey! Kate! You came! Flea told me you were gonna come at eight!" Anthony exclaimed in surprise, before hugging the smiling Kate and continuing,
"I got depressed when I heard you weren't going to come and party. But now that your here I'm happy."

"Your happy? To see me? Have you been drinking, Anthony?"

"Nope. Just glad to see my best friend." He laughed while emphasizing the word best friend, before handing her a beer.

"You've definitely been drinking." She laughed while ruffling his hair before squealing, and jumping into Candy's arm. No matter how many times they've seen each other, every time felt like as if were the first time in along time. Kate loved Candy. Candy loved Kate. They hugged each other for a long time and slowly pulled away as Candy brushed a strand of Kate's hair away from her face while smiling, "I missed you. Even though I saw you two days ago. Where are those pretty lilacs? I can smell them on you."

"Shut up. We need to talk about that!" Kate laughed, while playfully shoving her best friend who scoffed and rolled her eyes. The two sat down on the leather couch next to them and decided to catch up on what happened in the past forty eight hours.

"So you know how Anthony never talks about having kids?" Candy whispered to Kate discreetly while sipping her beer.


"Well yesterday we both had to babysit my niece. Let me tell you, I was nervous. Anthony acts like he hates children. I got so scared. But when we babysat her Anthony was so sweet, and funny! It made me want to melt into the floor. I think he would be a great dad. I want to have his kids."

"Woah. Candy. Don't you think it's a little early to be thinking about stuff like that? A baby is a big responsibility and permanent. Very permanent. Like life-damaging permanent."

"Well I mean we can always put it up for adoption if things don't work out-"

"Candy! That's so wrong! How would you like it if your parents did that to you."

"Fine. Just make me feel guilty."

"You should. Just wait. Please? I know you and Anthony have been together for a long time. But please don't have a baby. Not now at least."

"Don't worry. Over his dead body would Anthony let me have a kid now. He would not be happy. You don't have to worry. But you and Dave would make cute babies."

"Can you please give it a rest about me and Dave? Stop trying to set me up with him? Your leading him onto to me. Your making him think he has a chance. Then I'll end up breaking his heart. I'll feel really bad if I have to do that."

"No you won't. You've enjoyed breaking plenty of hearts."

"Stop, I don't." She mumbled while bringing the beer up to her lips before taking a long sip.

"Don't be ridiculous. You had that one guy named Bill that left you to sitting in a tub for months after you caught him cheating on you. I gotta give it to you though, you didn't let him see you cry. You marched right up to him and gave him your worst! Then there was John, and then you had a little fling with Dave in between that mini breakup before you got back together with John. Didn't you guys break up twice? Or three times? I can't remember. You and John went through a lot." Candy ranted while not realizing what she was bringing up. Everything to Kate was still sensitive. Just his name made her cringe.

"Candy. That's enough beer. You get hostile." Anthony sighed while taking the beer away from his girlfriend who was slightly annoyed at him before she snapped, "It's just unfair! She's my best friend! Mine! And she told you about what happened between her and John! It should've been me! I should've been the one to be told." The band was too focused on Candy's loud rant they didn't even notice Kate had sneaked her way outside and was currently sitting on the cement steps, smoking a cigarette. Her deep thoughts were interrupted by Anthony teasing, "You better quit smoking that. It's a bad habit." She ignored his comment and continued to take a short drag of the stick of nicotine before passing it to him and asking, "What songs are you going to sing tonight?"

"Not sure. Maybe some oldies. Maybe some newbies. Maybe a mix. You never know. I guess it's how we feel when we get out on the stage." Anthony explained while putting the cigarette between his lips, sitting down next to Kate on the steps.

"Sounds stressful." She laughed while being met with silence. They sat there for what seemed like an eternity. The only sound that could be heard was the soft puffing noise the two exchanged while passing the cigarette back and forth. She knew he was secretly thinking, tell me what's wrong.

"It's hard, Anthony." She sighed while letting out a puff of smoke before continuing, "I wake up every morning with no warmth next to me. I feel lonely. It's just not the same without the amount of love, and attention he gave to me."

"I know. I get it. You don't need him, Kate. He's not a necessity. You have a job, an apartment. Your living your life. You don't need him to take care of you. He doesn't need you to take care of him. Your both living your own lives."

"I know."

"Trust me. I wouldn't worry about him, I have a feeling he's fine. Okay?"

"Ok." She sadly smiled while nodding her head up and down before turning her head away. When Anthony started to hear her sniffle he quickly wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to him. Turning into his chest she softly cried, "It hurts so bad Anthony. My heart hurts so bad."

"I know." He mumbled while placing his chin on top of her head, feeling her tears starting to stain his cotton shirt before softly saying again, "I know."

Every Breath You Take (Rhcp Fanfic) PART TWO OF TAKE MY BREATH AWAYWhere stories live. Discover now