Nightly Tears

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Hours passed, and before Kate knew it she was gasping for air while looking around the empty room. Oh no! I missed the concert. I hope the guys aren't mad at me, she thought to herself while rubbing her eyes. The door opened with a loud creak, startling Kate but she was relieved to find it was John and not a serial killer.

"Hey sleepyhead, I was looking for you. You slept through the entire concert." He sighed while leaning against the wall.

"Nice of you to wake me up! I got so scared I was abandoned here. I could have been murdered."

"Well I'm sure you're happy to see your knight in shining armor? No offense but I was about almost halfway to Flea's apartment when I had realized no one had woken you up. You're lucky I had remembered. Wasn't Dave supposed to come? He would've woken you up, but oh wait. He isn't here. I am."

"You still forgot about me, so I'm still mad at you." Kate snapped while standing up, rubbing the lint off her pants. Pulling her car keys out of pocket she sighed, "I suppose I should drive you home to express my gratitude."

"You should." John mumbled while following her out the door. The venue was pitch black, giving both of them the spooks.

"John I seriously cant believe you left me here. I could have gotten kidnapped." She snapped while trying to make her way through the darkness.

"I'm sorry Kate. Lets rewind, I performed in a concert for about an hour. Standing in front of thousands, covered in my own blood and sweat. I am a little tired. I don't think about you all the time. It slipped my mind."

"Cool, John! Thanks for letting me know how much you hate me."


"I have a bone to pick with you."

"You do?"

"Why are you trying to expose my relationship with Dave? Like seriously what the hell is wrong with you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"John. Why would you invite Dave?"

"I didn't."

"What do you mean? I called Anthony. He had invited Dave to the concert tonight and he told me you had suggested the idea."

"Kate. I didn't say anything to Anthony. I'm really confused." She froze in confusion, taking a seat on the trunk of her car. He sat next to her in confusion.

"Dave told me Anthony had called him, inviting him to the concert to straighten out their conflicts. I called Anthony to ask him why and he said that you suggested it was a good idea."

"This is really confusing. After our grocery run, I didn't tell anyone about you and Dave. It doesn't seem normal of Anthony to call Dave."

"I know but he confirmed it, John."

"Kate. I'm telling the truth, I promise-" John began to plead only to be interrupted by Kate holding his hand and sighing, "I know, John. I can tell when your being honest. I don't know who to confront first, Dave or Anthony. Something doesn't seem right."

"That's your choice. I'm not getting involved in this. But please update me on what happens when you figure it out. What's really weird about this situation is Dave never showed up. Kate are you alright? I'm going to be honest with you, I feel this entire situation of Dave showing up tonight had taken the life out of you."

"You're right, John. I was really stressed about tonight because the lie I was told with you having something to do with Dave led me to believe you wanted to fight him or something."

"I would never do that to you. I know how stressed you get. It takes a toll on you, I would never want you to feel uncomfortable around me." John wrapped his arm around Kate's shoulder, pulling her closer to his side in a comforting way. She nodded while staring into the darkness trying to make sense of the situation. How did John have nothing to do with this? Everything is so confusing. It is strange that Dave never showed, she thought while rubbing her hands together. Jumping onto her feet she sighed, "Well, I'll get to the bottom of this mystery later. I'll drive you home-"

"Kate. There's something I want to tell you." John interrupted while grabbing her hand, "It's something very important I've been meaning to tell you for a while now. I didn't think this would be relevant until about a week ago. I can't bare to watch you like this anymore."

"What is it? I'm so confused, John." She frowned while looking up at him trying to connect everything.

"I...I don't know how to put this in any other way so I'll just say it. Dave's cheating on you." The name Dave and the word cheating being used in the same sentence made her freeze. She couldn't comprehend what he had just said. Impossible. Dave's been staying with her for the past month. Where could he be cheating on her? Who could he be cheating on her with.

"I know it sounds crazy. And you probably won't believe me because of our situation. But that's why I wanted to show you this. It's from about a month ago. Dave's been with this girl Carmen for a while now. But it was speculated he had a side girlfriend. I'm surprised you hadn't seen it. Here's the article. It was on this Hollywood magazine. I didn't think anything of it when I read it a month ago, but when you told me you were dating Dave last week, everything connected. That's why I got so mad. I'm so sorry. I don't mean to ruin your relationship. But you should definitely talk to him about it. I'm so sorry again, Kate." He handed her the crumpled article as she snatched it from his grip. A picture of him displayed with this girl Carmen kissing on a beach sent shivers down her spine. She continued to read how it was speculated Dave was cheating on her on his distant travels. Her heart broke into a million pieces when she saw a familiar necklace draped around Carmens neck. Tears began to fall onto the piece of paper before Kate threw it to the side and embraced John.

He hugged her back, trying to squeeze her quiet sobs away. They both pulled away as she began to sniffle, "Dave said he made this necklace for me. But she's wearing the same one-" but was interrupted as his hand reached for her neck, ripping the necklace off from her skin. Chills spread throughout her entire body. She felt free from all the pain that was troubling her. Looking up at John she nodded before snapping, "I'm going to confront Dave."

Every Breath You Take (Rhcp Fanfic) PART TWO OF TAKE MY BREATH AWAYWhere stories live. Discover now