Take on Me

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John lay underneath the covers of his bed staring into the never ending darkness that surrounded him. It had been hours after Kate had left but he couldn't get her out of his head. He grimaced to himself, replaying their dramatic conversation where she said, "It's hard. I want to love you, John. But I can't. Not anymore. I can't love anyone anymore." It hurt him when she said that. He wanted to change everything. He wanted to change her mind, convince her he was worth loving again. But he had a feeling it would take a while to earn her trust. The soft tapping coming from the other side of the door interrupted his thoughts as he mumbled, "Come in." Flea made his way into the dark room, sitting on the edge of the bed quietly before asking, "How was Kate?"

"Fine. It was a little awkward at first, but fine."

"Did you guys settle your problems?"

"I think? We cried. A lot. She then told me her problems. After that she left."

"I see. What about you? Did you tell her your problems?"

"No. That doesn't matter. She wouldn't want to hear it."

"Are you kidding? John, if you want to get closer to Kate you have to stop bottling up your emotions."

"I know. It's hard. It's easy to listen to her talk, but I can't tell her anything."

"I understand, John. You need some time to grow. Anyway, I just wanted to know how everything went. Sorry to interrupt your sleeping."

"No your fine. I was just reflecting. Night, Flea." He mumbled to his friend as he nodded before closing his bedroom door shut once again. He hated to admit it, but Flea was right. He should be telling Kate how he feels, what's going on his life. I'm gonna tell her, John thought to himself before quickly rolling out of his bed.

"I can't believe I talked to my ex about having sex with my other ex." Kate sighed while sitting down on the couch, next to Anthony.

"I can't believe you did too." He mumbled before passing her a beer, "Why did you tell John about Dave?"

"I don't know. I guess I just told him everything I was feeling at that moment."

"What moment?"

"He kissed me. And when he kissed me I got emotional. I guess it reminded me of everything we used to have."

"I see. I get it. At least he let you talk to him, and was accepting."

"Yeah. I wish he would tell me what's going on in his brain. This whole situation is a lot to take in. I don't know what happened to him after we broke up. He just disappeared. Maybe I'm being too emotional about this situation."

"I don't know, Kate. You both need to work on this situation. Together. Communicate. Tell him how you feel. It's going to be a long ride. But it will be worth it in the end. Trust me."

"But what's going to be worth it in the end? What am I gonna benefit from this?"

"I don't know. I guess you'll have to see it for yourself."

"I think I just need to get laid."

"Ew don't tell me that." Anthony scoffed while gagging on his beer.

"But I thought you said you were my best friend."

"That doesn't mean you have to tell me about your sex life."

"But I feel like your the only person I can talk to."

"You have Candy."

"Yeah but then she just tells you my problems anyway."

"True." He mumbled before wiggling his eyebrows and smirking, "Why don't you go back to John."

"Anthony. Stop."

"What?! You can tell me about your sex life, but I can't make a joke about it?"

"Sorry. I'm just sensitive. Now that we are on this topic I've always wanted to ask you, what's your body count?"

"Hmm...a lot. I don't want to say the number, but all I can say is I was a really stupid teenager before I met Candy. What about you, missy?"


"Dave, and John?"


"John was your first?"


"Who was better?"

"Ew, Anthony. I'm not gonna answer that."

"I think I know the answer."

"Shut up, Anthony. Your so stupid. I never should have told you anything."

"Haha! That's what you get for talking to me. It's getting a little late. Do you want to stay the night? Candy should be home soon..."

"No. That's ok. I'll head home." Kate yawned before packing up her belongings and leaving the apartment.

It was down-poring by the time she reached her place. Quickly running up the stairs she was surprised to see a familiar face pressed against her door, trying not to get soaked by the rain.

"John?! What are you doing here? It's late." Kate snapped while quickly opening the door and ushering him inside. 

"I'm tired, Kate. I want to be honest with you. I'm going to tell you how I feel now. I'm tired of bottling my feelings. I fucking love you. I don't know how much I've said that but I want to get that message through your thick skull." John pleaded while staring at Kate. Her eyes were glued to floor as she leaned against the back of her door before letting out a huge puff of air before explaining,
"John. I can't do this right now. I told you. I can't love anyone at the moment. Not now."

"That's bullshit, Kate. You know it's bullshit."

"Do I need this right now, John?! I have work in the morning! This is not the right time. Go home."

"No. I'm not leaving. We are talking about this. Now."

"What do you mean, this? There's no this. There's nothing to talk about. Go home. Now." She yelled while looking him in the eyes. It was silent. You could hear the sound of the rain falling against the windows. She knew she made John angry. He knew he had done the same to her. Before she went to tell him to leave again for the third time, he quickly slammed her against the door before placing a hard kiss to her lips.

She gasped. This was different. This felt nice. She slowly closed her eyes and leaned back into the kiss. Running her fingers throughout his long hair he quickly broke away and groggily choked out, "Jump." Kate quickly jumped, only for John to grab hold of her waist as her legs wrapped around his torso. He quickly looked around for a door while maneuvering throughout her apartment until he saw her bedroom. Lightly tossing her onto the bed, John hovered above her while placing passionate kisses along her jaw.

"John, I want you. Whatever your feeling, take it out on me." Kate whispered into his ear as he nodded while playing with the buckle of his belt.

"Are you sure about this?" He breathed out while looking down at her.

"Yes." She gasped while wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling his face closer to hers.

Every Breath You Take (Rhcp Fanfic) PART TWO OF TAKE MY BREATH AWAYKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat