Drunk Kiri and Scared Shima

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Denki's PoV

I'm so confused at what is going on. Kiri is chugging a bottle of tequila, and Bakugo is scratching at his head in pain. What am I supposed to do in this situation? Then an idea popped in my head. I rush out the room, hearing Kiri yelling at Hanta. I run down the corridor, and to the other half of the building. I run down a level, and knock on one of the doors. It soon opened to reveal Shima.

I start trying to tell her what is going on, but she just gives me a confused look. Shit, she can't hear a thing I'm saying. I take my iPhone 7 out my pocket, and open the notes app. I write down what I wanted to tell her, and show her. I look at her for a reaction, and it seemed to be one of shock and worry. She closed her door, and rushes to Kiri's dorm. She opens the door without knocking, and walks up to Kiri.

"A-Atsuk-ko h-how nice o-of you t-to join u-us." Kiri said.

"Eijiro, give me the bottle." Shima said.

"Don't you da-dare ta-talk to your sis-ter like tha-that!" He yelled

"Eijiro please." She begged.

"Wh-who are you ca-call-ing Ei-Eiji-Eijiro?" He questioned.

She took a deep breath. She didn't seem like she wanted to do what she was going to do next.

"Eiko can you give me the bottle?" She asked.

"O-oh s-so now you de-decide t-to talk to m-me." He replied.

She only nodded at his statement. Why was she calling Kiri Eiko, isn't that a girls name?

"S-sis I'm n-not gi-giving you the bo-tt-tle." He replied.

"Eiko please listen to me." She practically started begging again.

"I-if you a-ask f-for my dri-drink one mo-more time, I wi-will h-have to pu-pun-ish you." He said.

Punish her? What the hell is going on? First she's calling him Eiko, and now they're talking about punishment. I kind of feel left out.

"No I don't Eiko, I'm sorry." She said looking scared and sad.

"Gu-good gi-girl. Now d-do you wa-want a dr-drink t-too?" He asked.

"No thank you ma'am. Would you like a glass, or are you going to drink it from the bottle?" She questioned.

This conversation is getting more confusing by the second. Why can't I figure out what is going on. I hate being so stupid all the time, it gets annoying. Also, why did she call him ma'am. I have so many unanswered questions. I look across the room, and see Hanta sitting on a sofa next to Bakugo. I walk over, and sit next to them. I would rather be sat and confused, than stand and be confused.

"No I-I don't s-sis. You c-can go n-now." He spoke.

"I don't think that would be a good idea ma'am." She said.

"Are you de-defy-I-ing me?" He questions.

"No ma'am. I'll be with Mina if you need me." She replied almost too quickly.

"I d-don't know wha-what you s-see in th-that slut." He stuttered out.

I could see the pain on her face, when she didn't defend her girlfriend. She clearly wanted to, but was too scared of the outcome she might get. I hope everything is ok after this. He did say for us to keep an eye on him drinking, but we didn't. It's our fault for not listening to him. I look towards Bakugo to see if he is still in pain like earlier. He doesn't seem to be in as much pain, I hope he's alright.

"Wi-will you t-to p-please leave, I h-have 's-someth-thing' for Kat." He said with a smirk.

I grab Hanta's hand, and rush us out the door. I don't think it would be a good idea to defy him, because Shima was scared when he mentioned punishment. I don't think I want to wait and find out why she is scared. When we are out the dorm (and the door is closed) I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding. I looked at Hanta with a worried look, only to receive one in return.

Katsuki's PoV

The pain my hearing aids gave me are still there, but it doesn't hurt as much. Eijiro is not in a good mental state at the moment due to drinking the alcohol, I hope he doesn't try anything. I love him and all, but I don't want our first time to be influenced by alcohol. I'm ready, but when he wasn't intoxicated he wasn't. I don't want to take advantage of him.

"K-Kat come h-here. I know I-I said I was-wasn't re-ready yet, b-but I've cha-changed my mi-mind."

"Babe, I love you, but I'm not doing that while your drunk." I said

"Kat I-I'm not dr-drunk!" He shouted at me.

"Pl-please don't sh-shout babe. C-can I g-go to my r-room now?" I stuttered out, scared of how he will react.

"I s-suppose we c-can do it an-anoth-ther time." He told me.

I smile with a thankyou, and left the room. I closed the door behind me, and took a shaky breath. That was the scariest I have ever seen Ei. I hope he never drinks again. I go to the next door over, and walk in. Once inside, I fall onto my bed. I pull my hearing aids out from my pocket, and on the bedside table. I can't believe I forgot to take them out last night.

I put my phone on charge, and check Instabook. (Yes it's back) I look at everyone's posts, until it starts to get late. I check that my alarm for school tomorrow is set, and change into some joggers. I message Eijiro goodnight (even if he doesn't see it or reply), and get in bed. I lay there for a bit with my eyes closed, until eventually I fall asleep. Dreaming of the future I hope to have with Ei.

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