Eijiro Admits

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Eijiro PoV

I was talking to my boyfriend, when Kami ran out the room crying. I look at where he left, to see Sero also crying. Did they have an argument? I hope those two are ok. I've never seen Kami cry before, and Sero only cried the other day when he confessed to Kami. Why when I'm actually happy, others aren't. I have ruined everyone else's lives. Aizawa-Sensei walked into the room, and that's when Sero walked out too.

Aizawa-Sensei was about to ask, but saw that we were as shocked as he was. We continued with registration, and chat for the rest of the period. Neither of the two came back to the lesson. I hope they are ok. I didn't know what was wrong with the two. I really wanted to know. They are my best friends. It can't be that serious, or it would of happened sooner surely.

I think about the two until lunch comes around. I walk up to Katsuki, and we walk to the cafeteria with Mina and Atsuko. When we get in, we see Kami and Sero at our squad's table. I smile and walk up to them. I didn't want to question them on what happened. They will tell us when they're ready for us to know. We talk about the usual. We didn't even talk, we just quote vines the whole time.

Katsuki just sat and ate his lunch. He didn't look angry like usual, but he wasn't calm either. He's usually one of the two. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I think he is worried about something. I think he is trying to figure what is wrong with someone. Awww, how sweet. He may not seem like it to others, but he does have a big heart when it came to the people he cares about.

I think about why he is worried for someone, and who that might be. I couldn't think of anything he would be worrying about. I could just ask him later. He always tells me the truth, plus I've got to tell him at some point about me being trans. I mean the longer I wait, the worse the outcome will be. I finish my lunch, and then continue to quote vines with Sero and Kami.

We had about five minutes left of lunch, when Katsuki tapped me. I look at him with a smile. He signs to see if we can talk privately, and I agree. I tell the others we would see them in class, and walk to a hallway. I stand leaning against the wall next to him, waiting for him to sign something to me. I got inpatient and started to sign, but he pushed my hands down, and pulled something out his pockets. He puts the items in his ears, and then looks at me.

"Now that they are in we can talk." He said.

"Right. What was it you wanted to talk about?" I ask.

"Yea um, Shitty Hair are you hiding something from me? Like a secret." He replied.

"What gave you that idea Bakugo?" I asked.

"I'm not stupid Shitty Hair. Just please tell me. I know that there isn't just one secret, but please at least tell me one. I'm your boyfriend, you should trust me." He rambled.

My heart skipped a beat when I realised what he said. He thinks I'm keeping secrets because I don't trust him, but really it's because I'm a coward. Damn it Eijiro, you need to think about other people for once. I look at him shocked. He said two secrets. What is the other one. Oh. He wants me to tell him right here right now that I'm an alcoholic, or a tranny. Damn it, which one do I pick.

"Bakugo, I do trust you but that's not why I'm keeping secrets." I said.

"Why then Eijiro! Or is it that I'm such a fucking brat that you don't want to lead me on too much. If it's not one of these options, then I don't know why!" He yelled.

"Katsuki, your not a brat. I'm just a coward. I was worried you would judge me for them." I told him.

Katsuki looked at me shocked. Did he really think that way about himself. I didn't want him to think that way. How could someone so perfect, think bad about themselves. What is there to be disappointed in. I couldn't think of a single thing that was wrong with him.

"Eijiro I would never judge you. Please tell me what you are hiding." He said.

"Katsuki. I I I'm an alcoholic for starters." I say.

"Are you gonna tell me the other thing?" He asks.

"Well, please don't be mad, but I'm also transgender." I replied.

I looked up at him hoping his feelings for me wouldn't change. He looked shocked. I've been counting how many times I've been rejected as a person for being trans. This makes it 112. Great. After this, he's gonna tell the whole school, and only Mina and Atsuko will be my friends. I might even get chucked out of UA for not telling them I'm a girl.

Before I could continue to think of everything that will change once he tells everyone, I feel myself being touched. I come out of my head space, and I see that Katsuki is hugging me. Wait, so he doesn't hate me now. I for sure thought he would. I hug him back and smile when I place my head atop of his.

"Eijiro, my opinion of you wouldn't change just because your not the same gender at birth. I love you and this doesn't change that." He told me.

"Did you just say you love me?" I asked shocked.

"Wha Um no, I mean yes, wait maybe. Ugh, whatever." He mumbled embarrassed.

"I love you too Katsuki." I said

We stood and hugged for awhile. It was nice. Having all the weight of trying to hide who I really am, from the person I love. The bell rang, and we pulled away. I kissed his cheek, and we walked hand in hand back to classroom for our last class of the day. When class was over Aizawa-Sensei walked in and said he was coming to all our homes tomorrow at the weekend. Something about talking to our parents. Well he'll be shocked when he comes to mine.

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