He Doesn't have a Mum

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Monoma's PoV

As soon as those words fill my ears, I stand to my feet, grab his wrist and walk out of my room, not before picking his shoes up for him. I pulled him into the lift, and push the shoes to his chest. He stood there confused for a second, before slipping them onto his feet. The doors ping open, and I drag him out of the dorm door, and out of the gate.

He tries to ask me where we're going, and such, but I just ignore him, and drag him down the hill. Once we get to the road, I pull my phone out of my pocket, and call for a taxi. It doesn't tale long for it to arrive, and it starts off again. The blonde boy next to me continues to pester me on where we're going, but I wouldn't say a word, only hold his hand tightly.

The taxi eventually comes to a stop, and I ask if they can come back later to take us back, and they agree. I pay them, and they drive off. I turn around and am faced with a familiar view. My home.

With another blonde boys hand in mine, I walk up to the front door. I knock twice, and wait for a response. I could hear the sound of my mums voice screaming on the other side, shouting about her hoping it's not the Jehovah's Witnesses, or she'll send them to see Jesus herself. I could only laugh, while Kaminari continued to show a confused look.

My mum did eventually open the door, and the shocked look she gave was indescribable. I only smiled at her. She gave me a huge smile, and then turned to look at the blonde next to me. She motioned her head twice towards the boy, silently asking, only for me to shake my head. He face instantly fell into a pout.

"Um, hi?" He finally spoke up.

"Oh, Right! Come in you two!" She exclaimed towards us.

She left the door open, and just walked into the house. I shake my head at how impolite she is to a new guest, but I guess that's where I get it from. I pull him into the building, and pull him towards the living room, and sit on the sofa. I pull him down, and finally let go of his hand, to sit in a more relaxed position, with my arms on the back of the furniture.

"Neito, sweetie, you mind telling me who your friend is?" She asked, saying sweetie in an almost condescending way.

A shiver ran up my spine, at the tone, and I quickly told her it was a boy from school, who's in the other hero class. At the same time, I tell Kaminari that this was my mum.

"Neito, not that I don't want to meet your friends, why did you bring him, especially on a Monday? You shouldn't even be here." She spoke in such a sweet tone. The same one she has always had, and I've loved.

"He doesn't have a mum." I tell her in such a nonchalant way.

The look that Kaminarii gave me when I said that was priceless. It was a mixture of, why would you say something like that right now and, I'm going to kill you when your mum leaves the room. To that, I only smirk at him, and wink.

Within zero point two seconds, my mum was off the chair next to us, and hugging Kaminari's face to her chest. She kept chanting about how she'll be his mum, and saying how no one couldn't love something as cute as him. It was exactly what I predicted would happen when I brought him here.

What I din't expect was his reaction. He legit started to cry in my mums arms. He wrapped his arms around the woman, and just started to sob in her embrace. It was kinda sweet. I did feel a bit left out though. She was still my mum, but I'll let him have this. I did bring him here, so this was my own fault.

They did eventually pull apart, and my mum even dried to tears off his face for him. I can tell that she already loves him. A soft smile pulled at her lips, as she stands up in font of us. He ruffles my hair with her hand, before asking if soba was okay for tea. We both gave some form of agreement, before she walked into the kitchen to start.

I quickly rushed in with her, and washed my hands. I started helping her with making the food, like I always did. If I didn't then I would know about later when we ate. I could hear slow footsteps walking into the room from behind. I see that Kaminari is just standing in the doorway, just watching us.

"Denki, sweetie, what are you doing all the way over there? Come help your brother chop the veg." She spoke from the oven.

The shock that covered his face at the word brother was clear, but I waved him over anyway. There was no way that he is going to eat in this house if he doesn't help out. I hand him a knife, and a couple of carrots. I could see the tears well in his eyes again as he continues to cut the food, but I don't say anything, and continue with my role.

The food doesn't take long for us to make, and we are soon all sat at the table, eating it. The conversation never coming to an awkward pause or standstill. It flew gently like this was what we did everyday. When we finished eating, mum washed up, and told us to pick a film to watch before we have to go back to school. We chose to watch Dead-pool, and we all laughed at the many jokes. It was quite fun.

Nine o'clock came around, and the taxi parked outside the house, and beeped their horn. We hugged mum goodbye, and told us to both comeback at the weekend, when we could stay longer. We made our way back to the school. When we got to the part of the path that splits between dorms, I stopped Denki from going anywhere.

"I know you don't want to, and it's the last thing you want to be thinking about, but you should sort things out with that boyfriend of yours." I told him.

"How did you...?" He dragged his question off.

"Well when I bumped into you crying, he saw us when I hugged you, by the way, not a word of this goes to anyone." I said the last sentence in a mock stern voice.

He laughs slightly at this, but nods his head. I tell him that we should meet at the gate at five on Friday , so that he has enough time to change and pack a bag for the weekend. That's the time that mum always picks me up at, and she would be mad if I turned up without him.

He nods again in agreement, before enveloping me in a hug, and whispering a low thank you into my ear. He pulls away, and then runs down the path, waving goodbye. I stood there shocked for a second, before shaking my head at his actions.

I walk into my dorm building, and am met with most of my classmates still up. They try asking where I was, and why I was with a student from Class 1-A, but I just ignore all their questions. Instead I shout at all of them, telling them that they should be getting ready for bed.

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