Fancy Dress

893 31 7

Shoto's Pov

(Did you see this coming? maybe)

It is a Saturday morning, and my mum has told me to go over to the Midoriya's house for lunch today for a reunion with the Bakugao's. I'm a little scared if I'm being honest. Bakugo and Midoriya in the same room, and to add Mrs.Bakugo to the mix. My sibling are going to be there as well, I hope there will be enough space for us all in her flat.

I sit up, and realised I wasn't in my room. I look around to see purple hair. Right, Hitoshi was struggling to sleep last night, like usual. I rub my eyes tiredly, and look for my phone. When I pick my phone up, I see that it was ten o'clock. That gives me barely any time to get ready and get there on time. I put my phone down, and shake the boys shoulders next to me.

His purple eyes slowly flutter open in front of me. I couldn't stop the small smile that this display gave me. He sits up, and wraps his arms around my waist, and places his head on my shoulder. Hitoshi has always been more of a clingy person, but if he doesn't let go soon, I'm going to be late. God knows what will come my way if that happens.

"What time is it?" He groggily asks.

"Ten o'clock. I need to be going Shi." I say.

"But it's so early, what's the urgency?" He questions.

"I got a family reunion at Midoriya's house for 12, and Mrs.Bakugo is going to kill me if I'm late to another event." I say with a shiver, remembering what happened last time.

"Last time I checked non of you were related. How is it a family reunion." He asks.

"Parents are all friends. My aunties always gets angry at them though, because I always call them Mrs instead of their names. It's kind of fun." I reply.

"So it's purely just best friend bullshit?" He tries to sum up.

"Yup, now I really have to go. I wasn't kidding about Mitsuki getting angry, she's worse than Katsuki in that aspect." I say getting up.

"If you have known the others years, why do you use their surnames anyway?" He continues our convocation.

"I was brought up on being respectful to everyone, no matter what. Just habit I guess." I finish.

He only nods at my response. I kiss his forehead, before leaving the room. This wasn't even my dorm building. I take a deep breathe, and walk down the 1c corridors. I take the lift down, and wait for it to open again. When it does, there were a lot more people awake at this time on a Saturday than I expected. Our dorm would be near enough empty. Why are all these people up?

I walk out the lift, and give slight nods here and there. This is more awkward than I first imagined. I get out the building, and then run to my dorm building. When I do go inside, I see Izuku eating at the table in pyjamas, next to Tsuyu. Is he crazy? Eating when he knows Mitsuki is going to be cooking (and she cooks a feast) as well as not rushing to get ready. He is so dead.

"Izuku, do you know what time it is?" I ask him.

"Yea eight o'clock, why?" He asks.

"It's ten o'clock." I say.

In that instant, I can see his face slowly shift to horror. He quickly jumps off of his chair, and puts his bowl in the sink. He turns around, and starts fanning his face in panic. He really thought it was only eight o'clock. Then the lift pinged. I look over to see Katsuki in sweats. Is he really going to wear than to a reunion. His mother is going to kill him.

"Bakugo, are you really going to wear that?" I ask.

"Yea what else would I wear jogging you idiot?" He questions.

"Katsuki you don't have time for a jog, we need to leave in about thirty minutes." I raise my voice a bit.

"What are you on about, we need to be at the gate at 10:30, it's only-" He stops mid sentence.

He turns his wrist to look at his watch. His face changed just as Midoriya's has. His face showed only the horror of the memories of Mitsuki kicking his arse for being less then five minutes late. He quickly looked up at us, eyes wide, mouth dropped.

"What are you dumbasses doing standing here we have to get ready in some fancy fucking clothes and be at the front gate in less than twenty minutes!" He screams at us.

A whole bunch of new panic flowed through me at the shortened time limit. We quickly shot up the stairs, as waiting for the lift to open was just not as option. Rushing to our individual floors, splitting up at each level. Stupid Midoriya having his room on the second set. Sucks to be Bakugo on the forth floor. Ha!

I run to my wardrobe, and get out a white dress shirt, dark blue trousers, and a black tie, paired with some black formal shoes. I rush down the stairs to the community bathroom, and brush my teeth. When I was about to get the hair gel out, Midoriya comes rushing down. He's wearing Black trousers and blazer, white top and green tie, with black dress shoes. I gel my white hair back, and comb my red half.

We run out to see Bakugo standing at the dorm door, waiting for us. He was wearing an orange dress shirt, with olive green trousers, an untied black tie, with black shoes. He motions us to hurry up. We rush out the door, and to the gate. When we get out, we notice that Mitsuki wasn't here yet. We collectively let out a sigh. I couldn't tell if it was of relief or exhaustion, maybe a bit of both.

Mitsuki picks us up, and we all get in the back, with Midoriya in the middle. One of us could of sat up front, but I guess it's a force of habit. We sit back, and just wait for the car to stop. When it finally does, I see that we weren't at Midoriya's apartment complex, but at a massive house. I look at Izuku, expectantly, but he looked just as confused as I felt.

We got out the car, and looked at the two story mansion. Why was it so big if only two people live here, and one of them not constantly? Well, were going to have to go inside to find out. I walk in, and I am immediately met with an open planned living room, kitchen, and dining room. There was two sets of stairs, one going up, the other down. There was two doors that I could only imagine one leads to a bathroom. A glass backdoor, showing off the grass outside. The house was gorgeous.

"Auntie, why are you living in this big ass house?" I hear Katsuki ask.

"About that, you're going to have to wait for lunch. Your mother's and I have some news." She replies.

"Well that's stupid. When do we eat then?" He continues to be rude.

"Katsuki, why do you have to be so rude to Ms.Midoriya? She's a lovely lady." I question.

"I'm not being rude, just straight forward." He spouts out.

I could here at least five people snort when they heard Katsuki say straight. You could see the irritation his face gained after that. Our conversation was cut short, when the microwave pipped. Inko ran to it, and placed it on the large table. It needed to be able to fit eight people. Inko moved away from the table and smiled at everything.

"To answer you question Katsuki, you can eat now." She says.

You could hear a few excited squeals at this. Inko's and Mitsuki's cooking combined, was a force to be wrecked with. We all ran to the table, and took a seat. We said a quick thanks, before placing food on our plates. Once we had enough food, and were about to start actually eating, my mum cleared her throat. We all looked at her in expectant.

"So about the reason why we are in this random big house."


Two updates in one day, look at me go! This is to make up for the lack of updates all together. Love you all.

~Jean x

Unintentionally Loving it (Bakushima) (Trans Kiri)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant