"Tony?" He whispered so no one could hear. But Stark didn't even flinch.

The teacher became even more irritated. "Mr. Stark!" She tried again with no reaction. "Mr. Stark!" She almost yelled out, which made Tony open his eyes and jump in his chair.

"Huh?" He asked with a raspy voice. His glasses still laying a little uneven on his nose.

The teacher rolled her eyes. "Mr. Rogers, you can take a seat next to Mr. Stark and keep an eye on him." She said and Steve smiled awkwardly before walking through the class and sat down next to Tony with a small smile.

"Mr. Stark. Have you been listening?" The teacher asked, not paying so much attention to the blond as she locked her eyes at the dark-haired teen. Tony smiled innocently before his eyes became mischievous like he had only now realized who he was talking to and he laid his hands behind his head.

"Well of course I have Miss. O'Higgins." He answered and Bruce rolled his eyes, knowing what Tony was trying to do.

The teacher smiled. "Well then Mr. Stark. If you have been listening, can you then 
calculate the total resistance of a parallel circuit with two resistors when each resistor has the resistance of 15 ohms for me?" She asked challenging and the whole class turned their heads at him, looking at him with waiting eyes.

Tony bit his lip as he thought for a second, his mind working faster than lightning before he smirked.

"7,5 ohm. Miss." He answered with a smirk, which made Bruce smile proudly to himself. Of course Tony knew the answer. His brain was probably a thousand times more intelligent than the teacher's either way.

Miss. O'Higgins's mouth fell slightly open before she cleared her throat. "Could you tell me how you figured it out?" She asked.

Steve watched with impressed eyes as Tony stood up nonchalantly and walked up to the board, grabbing a pen as he started to write numbers quickly. His hand flying over the whiteboard as a little smile grew on his lips. When he was done, he put the pen back down and cracked his fingers proudly before walking back to his seat. Totally ignoring Steve as he sat down and looked at the teacher challenge. She stood and calculated with her hand on her hip before nodding impressed.

"Good work Mr. Stark." She said and turned to the class again, only to spot Tony wink at her with the same smirk on his young face.

Tony turned his head towards the blond, looking at him carefully. "What?" He asked when Steve just kept staring at him intensely for a long second.

The blond woke up from his intense brain workout and removed his eyes from the younger guy's chocolate brown eyes. "Nothing." He answered nonchalantly as he picked out his physic book and opened it to the correct chapter.

Tony bit his inner cheek with a smile. "Impressed Rogers?" He suddenly asked, which made Steve look up at him with a calm shrug.

"I've seen better." He answered teasingly. Knowing that it wasn't true and that he indeed was really impressed by his friend's quick mind.

Tony snorted sarcastically. "Sure you have." He said before diving into his notebook quickly and started tracing a few lines with his pen to make them thicker and noticeable.

Steve sighed before he turned his attention towards the teacher, knowing that he needed to concentrate right now. But he couldn't help the small curiosity that was growing inside of him and he tried to peek over Tony's arm, trying to see what he was drawing. He had almost seen a bit of it before Clint suddenly turned around, not caring about the intense glare he got from Miss. O'Higgins.

"Psst. Rogers." He whispered and Steve looked up with questioning eyes, mouthing a "what?" as an answere.

"Wilson told me you can't compete on the tryouts. That sucks man." He said with a little frown.

My SEXY enemy (Stony Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now