"Who's gonna go with who?" I ask, not wanting Nick to ride my car. I don't think I could stand being cooped up with him. "My car's over there," Nick says, wiping away another stray tear as he nods towards the Lamborghini parked opposite ours. 

"Mommy, why is everyone always crying?" Valentina asks from where she's standing with her sister. "First it was Aunt J, Aunt Leia, Uncle Joe, Daddy and then now it's Uncle Nick!" Valentina exclaims as she looks from Nick's tear stained face to mine. 

I'm glad that it's dark outside, because I can feel a blush slowly creeping across my face and when I look over at Nick, he's in a similar situation. "You know, family drama." J jokes as she picks Valentina up and puts her on her shoulders. Valentina shrieks in excitement, her question soon forgotten. 

We all look at J gratefully, who smiles in return and sets Valentina down. 

"Well, we should get going. Meet back at my house!" Kevin says as he unlocks his car door and puts Valentina and Alena in their child seats. Dani nods in agreement and gets into the car. "So... who's car am I taking?" I hear Leia ask J quietly. Nick speaks up. "I can take you back to get your car first." He offers, and I see J rolling her eyes. "Is that okay with you?" He asks her, and Leia nods.

 "Do you want me to come with you?" J asks Leia quietly as Nick tries to find his car keys. Leia shakes her head. "I'll be fine. I need to talk to him anyway. But I'll update you, okay?" J nods, but looks uncertain. "If you say so," J calls as Leia follows Nick to his car. "We all know how that turned out last time." She mumbles, and I put an arm around her. "She'll be fine." I try my best to comfort her as we get into my car- J's car is at Kev's house. 

Leia's pov 

I immediately regret the moment I start walking behind Nick to his car. Why didn't I learn from my past mistakes? I think, sighing as he unlocks the car door. Well, no turning back. 

Awkward Silence. 

Nick doesn't say anything for the first few minutes of the drive, but then he speaks up. 

"I'm sorry for just now." 

From the front passenger seat, I turn to him. "It's okay," I almost laugh. "I didn't think I'd get involved in family drama that fast." I mumble underneath my breath, but he hears. 

"Sorry" He repeats.  "Do you think you could forgive me?" He asks, gripping the steering wheel tightly as he waits for a response. 

"What you did just now really scared me." I say hesitantly, wishing that J was here to speak for me. "I almost had to call the cops" I continue, trying to keep my breathing stable. "If I do forgive you... I don't know what happens after that."  

I glance out the window to see that we're outside Nick's apartment. As we both get out of his car, Nick asks sadly as he locks the door, "So we won't be together?"

 His voice is shaky. 

"I don't know!" I snap. "I'm trying to process things myself!" I struggle to keep it together. 

Nick doesn't answer, and when I look over at him, tears are starting to form in his eyes for the second time that night. 

And even though I'm still furious and hurt because of him, I still feel sorry for him- or maybe it's because I'm still so madly in love with him. 

Nick slumps down onto the floor, leaning against his car. He buries his head in his hands. 

"Hey" I bend down next to him, but he doesn't look up. "Nick." 

He glances up at me, and his eyes are full of pain. 

"Tell me what's wrong"  

Nick forces out a sound that sounds somewhat like a laugh. "What's wrong? Where should I start?" Tears are still running down his face. 

"Maybe apologise to Joe first." I say quietly. "You probably hurt him more than me." 

He nods slightly, and tries to stand up, but he falls right back down because he's so weak and tired from the day's events. It's almost 10 pm. 

I extend my hand, and he grabs it. I pull him up, and for a split second he looks into my eyes. 

"We should get going." He says after a moment, unlocking his door to his car and getting in. "You can follow my car." I nod in response. 

As we pull out of his driveway, I turn my phone on and set it on the empty passenger seat. 

A few seconds later, I turn on speaker mode as my phone dials J's number. 


Hello? Did he attack you? 


That's surprising 


Fine. Tell me what happened! 

Basically, he asked me if we're still together and I told him that I don't know yet 


And he started crying 


Well, I kinda shouted at him that I didn't know yet 


Yeah, then we got out of the car and he cried for a while basically 

Wow since when was he this emotional 

Yeah I was so surprised 

What happened after that?

I just told him that he should probably apologise to Joe first 

Yeah that's true 

And then... yeah, that's all 

He better apologise to Joe 


Are you nearing the house? 

I'm about 5 minutes away 

Okay see you soon 

See ya 



* read book 1, the chapter called 'leia'

deep love | 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ