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It's been two weeks since me and Toosii's date, crazy right? Well I been busy with practice and class. Me and Toosii been doing good, I guess I could say. We been having a lot of deep conversations since that night, and I been liking his vibe. Our vibe is good. I don't know.. I hate to fucking say it but I think I'm catching feelings. Don't hold that shit to me, it might be a false alarm.. who fucking knows man? Because obviously I don't. Anyway. Our first football game is today, i'm so excited because I came up with our new field routine.. too bad Toot won't be there.

"RIAH! EARTH TO MARIAH!" Tanesha waved her hands in my face.

I snapped back into reality, "Yeah? Huh? What?" I looked at her confused

"Come on so I can take your rollers out and style your hair.. what were you thinking about? That Toosii boy?" She asked.

Tanesha had been one of my bestfriends since 10th grade. I love this girl to death you. I sat down in the chair and she began to take my rollers out.

"Yeah I was and don't ever say that little Toosii boy again. That made you sound so old sis" As soon as I said that my phone started ringing. I slid over to answer, "hello?"

"Hey ma, how are you?"

"Hey toot, i'm doing fine. What about you?" I asked propping my phone up so he could see me.

"You getting ready for your game Huh?" He asked with a little smirk on his face

"Yeah , i am. Stop looking at me like that. You know i hate that shit man."

He laughed a little bit, and proceeded to talk. We talked for a little while then he told me he had to hang up because he was getting ready to go into the building and handle somethings. Me and Tanesha finished getting ready with the rest of the girls then loaded onto the bus. As we were on our way to the stadium, I felt my stomach beginning to hurt bad. I get so nervous every time i'm getting ready to perform but I always get over it. I put my headphones in, sat back, and enjoyed the ride to the stadium. We finally pulled up at the stadium, we began to take off our sweatsuits that revealed our actual outfits. We unloaded the bus, lined up. The band counted us off and we began to walk in. We walked up the ramp, and JaKiya threw our stand as we walked up. Of course being the tail, all my moves were more held out and exaggerated. The crowd was screaming, yelling, cheering. I heard someone yell, and I turned my head. It was Toosii. He came..


I told Riah I wasn't going to be able to make it, but that wasn't true. I wanted to surprise her, so me and the boys hid this from her for like a week. And man she is killing it, the way her body looks in that outfit.. damn the things I'd do to that damn girl man. She looks so amazing man, they made the right choice making her last because I can look at her dancing like that all day. Glad we got seats right next the band.

"Hey mans, your girl can really dance." Bandz was looking at her, biting his lip. "Like really dance."

I hit his chest, "Stop looking at her like that nigga, what's wrong with you?"

"Oh.. my bad bro. Hey, amp. Let's go get some food from the concession stands." Bandz said getting up to walk away.

"Aye, bring me something back. Chicken tenders, nachos, something bro." I said looking at Riah, she turned around and looked at me. I smiled and waved. She waved back.

Bandz hit me upside the head, "Stop flirting and gimme the money"

"Cmon bro. Always blocking." I handed him the money, "and a gatorade too. Two of em."

𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐁𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐥𝐝 | 𝐓𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐢𝟐𝐱Where stories live. Discover now