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  I'm on bed rest right now, doctors and Dominik's orders. Somehow, I managed to convince Dominik that I needed someone to keep me entertained so he assigned Francesca to come to hang out with me. He's away today, in meetings all day trying to make sure that targets are off of his back so we can move into his father's home.

  "How's the baby?" Francesca questioned as she applied chapstick to her split lips.

  "He's distressed, I have to be on bedrest or I could miscarry," I said sadly.

  "That's awful. I'm so sorry." She said as she sat on the soft mattress next to me and I smiled, "It's okay. I'm just glad you and I aren't in the basement, though I do wish Katherine was up here with us."

  "We should play a game." Francesca said and my eyebrows furrowed, "Frankie, I can't get up, and do you really think this hell hole has actual board games or game consoles?"

  She smirked in response and that made me nervous.

"No, it's called a game of secrets. You tell me a secret that no one in this house knows, I tell you one right back. They stay between us, you're like my best friend anyways." She explained and I smiled genuinely.

  Francesca was right, she and Katherine have been my best friends for a while now. Dominik informed me that 3 days ago marked a year since I've been here. Frankie was an older lady, probably in her mid-30s, and Katherine was in her early 20s.

  "I've never heard of that." I said and she snickered, "Probably because I just pulled it out of my ass, but who cares?"

  I shrugged and nodded, she's right.

  "Okay, I start. I'm 37 years old and I've been married once." She said and my mouth dropped, "You were married!?"

  "Yes, he was a very well off man, the absolute love of my life. I was shot at a ball I attended with him ten years ago while I was pregnant and that's when I came here." She said sadly and fidgeted with her fingers, I frowned in response.

  "The baby?" I asked softly and she shrugged as sadness filled her eyes, "I gave birth to a little girl ten years ago, they took her away and I haven't heard about her or from her since."

  I nodded in understanding and decided to continue with my secret, "My real name is Riley Wilson. Tiana is a secret identity just in case we have a real shot at getting out of here. I also had a love of my life back home..." I trailed off as Dante's handsome face popped up in my mind and I shook the thoughts away before I cried.

  "What was he like?" She asked and I smiled lovingly, "He was ruggedly handsome, tattoos all over him in a sexy way. He only cared about me, never gave another girl a second thought. He'd protect me with his life."

  She smiled as I described Dante, "He sounds just like my  man."

  "Okay, I've got a clean criminal record. I've never stolen or anything." She said and I snickered, "Not I."

She cocked an eyebrow with a devilish smirk, "Ooo, what have you done?"

  "I had a brother named Xavier, we were on the run from my stepdad. We've killed, stolen, lied, ran from police, everything." I explained quietly and her eyes widened, "You're a billy badass!"

  I giggled quietly, "No, that was Xavier."

  "What happened to him?" She asked and I cleared my throat awkwardly, "Dimitri killed him."

  She grabbed my hand in hers, "I'm so sorry, I'm glad you murdered that piece of shit."

  "Me too, even if it did land me here," I said playfully and she giggled in response.

  "I have a question... but I don't want to overstep." She whispered quietly and my eyebrows furrowed, "What is it?"

  "If you're in love with a man back home, what is Dominik to you?" She asked as she looked at my swollen, pregnant belly and I sighed.

  What is Dominik to me?

  "I honestly don't know. There's a 99 percent chance I'll never see the love of my life again. I'm stuck here for whatever reason, pregnant with my kidnappers baby. Dominik is sweet, unlike popular belief. He treats me very well and he's excited for the baby. I don't know, I mean I do like him, I guess. It's a weird situation, but I'll forever love the man back home. He's the reason I still have the motivation to open my eyes every morning." I admitted and she nodded. I'm vaguely aware that it could be me just adjusting and adapting to current circumstances.

  "Was this baby... was it... conceived consensually?" She treads lightly around her words and I smiled at the consideration.

  "No..." I trailed off at the memory of Dominik taking me at his own will after I got plastered drunk and never said no. Dominik fed me alcohol until i could hardly swallow anymore. Is that even rape?

"Then how can you like him?" She asked sorry dancing through her caramel irises.

  "I was drunk and never said no. These Russian men are used to having their way anyways, is that even rape? I don't know... All I know is I woke up naked in bed beside him and boom, pregnant." I explained and she nodded.

  "He took advantage of you while you were intoxicated, that's rape. But you're right about one thing, they are used to having their way." She said and I nodded in agreement.

  "So it's a boy, do you know what you are wanting to name it?" She asked and I smiled.

  "I have ideas... but I don't know if Dominik would even let me have a say since this is his child," I admitted shyly with a frown and she grinned excitedly.

  "Well? Let's hear it!" She exclaimed and I chuckled softly.

  "I was thinking Xavier Rafael Wilson," I admitted and she smiled lovingly.

  "Xavier for your brother and Rafael?" She asked and I smiled at the thought of Dante. I only called him by his middle name when he was in trouble. He always had an innocent, dimpled smile plastered across his face when I'd call him Rafael.

  "Rafael for my love," I admitted as a tear slipped down my cheek.

  I'll never see anyone I love ever again.

A/N: Plot holes among plot holes! Please make sure you comment and vote! <3

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