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*Trigger Warning Content: Kidnapping, abuse, torture, sexual assault*

"It's your turn to please Tolya, Tiana," Katherine told me softly with a frown and I nodded as I got up, my bones aching from the beating I got the night before.

"How bad were you hurt today?" I whispered, scared that the Russian men upstairs would hurt me.

"Well, I mean you see my face... and they ripped some of my hair out, too. I got fed dog food last night." She shuddered at the memory and I smiled, "You got it good then. I'm proud."

"Thanks, Tiana." She replied before she lied down on the sticky, cement floor.

I told everyone my name was Tiana upon meeting them, keeping my real identity hidden in case something were to go down, I didn't want to be caught up in it.

The floor is sticky as I padded across it with my bare feet. Dimitri's men come down here and pour their beer, vodka, and soda on all of us just for the hell of it. There are five of us girls. Katherine, Olga, and Tatyana are the Russian girls. Diana and I are American and Francesca is Italian.

Katherine and Francesca are the only girls I'm friends with. Tatyana and Olga are escorts from the streets of Russia so they already knew what they were in for, and they get off from it. Diana doesn't care what happens to her and she's a bitch. Diana and Francesca are specifically Dimitri's men's, I'm specifically for Dominik.

I guess you're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation when a long time ago I came here to kill Dimitri. Don't worry, I'm still wondering the same. How long's it been? They don't exactly allow us to mark off the days on a puppy filled calendar.

It's my turn to cook dinner for Tolya since he's my keeper tonight. Basically, what that means is I cook him dinner and he gives me a bed to sleep on after he beats me for whatever reason.

"Get your ass up here, Tiana!" Tolya roared from upstairs. I winced from his harsh tone, I was hoping he would be in a good mood so he would go easy on me, my bruises are still healing, but unfortunately, it sounds like I'm in for, yet another, awful beating. I was wearing nothing but an old, worn, dirty, and torn up shirt from one of the Russian men. I had no bra nor panties.

I wince as I climb the steps, my knees hurting badly after he took his fist to both of them repeatedly three nights ago. The door swung open, revealing Tolya and he was seething, red in the face. I flinched backward when he reached out to grab my arm, big mistake.

"Did you back away from me, cunt?" He sneered and I didn't say anything. I have a naturally smart mouth, that's what gets me beatings every day.

"Remember what I said I'd do the next time you backed away from me?" He said with a slick smile and I remembered. My eyes widened and it felt as if my heart dropped to my knees.

"No, no! Please, I'm sorry, I'll do anything." I pleaded as tears poured out of my eyes and he chuckled menacingly.

"Too fucking late, you filthy whore." He said with a smirk as he gripped me by my hair and dragged me up the rest of the stairs and onto the main level of the rugged, falling in house. I kicked and screamed, my hair felt like it was ripping alongside with my scalp, my head on fire as he tossed me into his bright room on a hard cot. I landed on my back and it knocked the wind out of me.

He gripped my forearm and smiled evilly at the tattoo I had for Xavier. It was a tattoo of a black and white realistic heart with the words "My Brother's Keeper" underneath it, the heart was the size of a pear. Xavier had the exact same tattoo except it had sister instead of brother. It was my most loved tattoo.

Tolya grabbed a rope and bound my wrists and ankles to the bed, "Please, Tolya, stop!!" I screamed as he reached for a dirty sock to stuff my mouth.

He shoved the sock in my mouth and grabbed his pocket knife out of his drawer. I screamed in fear and he brought the knife to my skin, carving it out of my skin. Blood started spurting everywhere. I screamed against the sock, tears pouring out of my eyes as the pain got worse and worse, then it went away. I was numb because of the adrenaline rush. Tolya Chernov just took away the last thing that I had left of Xavier and my heart felt like it was placed in a paper shredder.

*sexual assault*

All of a sudden he ripped the shirt up so he could get a good view of my bruised and battered body and smirked devilishly, my eyes widened at the realization that he was about to do something forbidden.

He unbuckled his belt as I started to scream to the top of my lungs against the sock, hoping desperately someone would hear me and stop Tolya. He wasn't supposed to touch me sexually. I was raped back to back my first two months being here until Dominik showed up. After Dominik showed up and claimed me as his own, no one has touched me sexually in five months, his orders. He's the one who'd told me it's been five months.

All of us girls, as said before, were assigned to a specific man. I was the only one of the girls that were assigned to one man only and no one else was assigned to him. Dominik Sokolov, Dimitri's secret son. No one has ever heard about Dimitri having a son, the only child we thought he had was Georgina.

Tolya slid his belt off and whipped my legs with it, I cried out in agony as he did it against the tattoo he carved off. I choked on my own spit and continued screaming as he climbed on top of me, completely nude from the waist down. He positioned himself at my entrance and I tried to thrash around to get away from him. It was no use, considering my ankles and wrists were bound, there was no getting away from it.

"You're a dirty whore and it's time someone treated you like one." He whispered in my ear as he shoved himself into me and I screamed to the top of my lungs, still trying desperately to climb away from him. He continued his assault and just as he was about to finish, the door was yanked open, revealing Dominik Sokolov. I've never been thankful for my kidnapper until this moment. He ran towards Tolya and punched him multiple times in the face. Tolya yelled, trying to get Dominik to stop, but to no avail. Dominik is three times more muscular and stronger than Tolya could ever imagine.

*end of assault*

After Dominik finished his assault on Tolya's face, leaving him in a sputtering mess, spitting up blood, he took his gun and fired six bullets in Tolya's chest.; his blood splattering all over Dominik and me. Dominik grinned at the sight and looked at me with concern lacing his voice, "Jesus fuck, baby girl, are you okay? Come here, I'm so fucking sorry," He said sincerely as he unbound my limbs and cradled me into his arms.

It's time you know, now, I think. When I came to Russia, my third day I found Dimitri Sokolov and I fired eight bullets into his head, leaving his skull and brains into nothing but fragments and mush. That was after I dipped his hands in acid, ripped his fingernails and toenails off, stuck safety pin needles in his eyes, stuck sewing scissors into his kneecaps, and poured battery acid down his throat.

Before I could fly back to Italy to surprise Dante and our friends with Dimitri's head, Dominik found me and held me captive. Dominik hates his dad, so his kidnapping me made no sense. It still doesn't. Dominik doesn't know what I go through. He has to leave on business trips and all of his men are on strict orders to make sure I'm fed 3 times a day, in clean clothes, showered, and in a comfortable bed at night. But since he's gone, he doesn't know how I really get treated. I'd rather get treated like the other girls than live a queen's life while my friends get beaten in the basement.

"Is he okay?" Dominik asked me and I looked up at him with tear-filled eyes, "I don't know," I whisper and he turned red in the face from anger.

He placed a hand on my stomach, rubbing it gently as he kissed my temple, "Let's go find out if our boy is okay, then I'll put you to bed, yes?"

Oh yeah, I'm five months pregnant with Dominik's son.

A/N: How'd y'all feel about that plot twist?

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