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It's been three days. Three excruciating days of torture of Italian and I feel like we're not getting anywhere. Three days of Dante looking at me like I have three heads on my shoulders. Three days of Alex getting nonstop phone calls from Emma. Three days of Dante ignoring that fact.

Alex and I were currently sitting on the couch. I just got home from school. My phone started buzzing on the table near the couch so I leaned over to grab it, only to see it was from Davina.

"Fuckin' finally, dude." She breathed.

"Dav? What's going on?" I asked obviously more alert.

"You need to get the hell over here, Rosie should be at your place in a sec. How are you with conflict?"

"What?" Conflict?

Davina shouted something incoherent, and I winced as she cleared her throat. "Fights? They gross you out? Make you anxious? Are you good to break one up?"

"Uh- sure? What's happening, Davina?" There was a commotion on the other end and someone else began shouting.

"Look, all I know is Emma is obsessed with your brother for the moment so I was hoping you both could pop on over- DANTE! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, STOP!- and have him take her out of the equation so things aren't so tense?"

"I don't really-"

"Tia, I have to go. PLease hurry." She said frantically before ending the call. Not two seconds later the doorbell rang throughout the living room.

I looked over at Alex who was just as confused as I was, "Alex, go open the door. I'll be right back."

He nodded and got up, walking to the door as I ran upstairs quickly. I hurriedly grabbed a jacket and threw it on. It's been pouring all day long, and I don't honestly feel like getting sick. I ran to my mattress and snatched the gun out from underneath it, shoving it in the back of my waistband. I flipped my jacket over it, easily covering it up before running back downstairs. Rosie stood in the living room with Alex and she was soaked from head to toe.

"Rosie, what's going on?" I asked and she grimaced.

"It's Dante and Em." She walked out of the door. I motioned for Alex to follow us and he grabbed his stuff quickly.

After about ten minutes, we finally pulled up to a luxurious apartment complex downtown.

"Where are we?" Alex grumbled, getting out of the car, hot on our heels.

Rosie looked back at him while we rushed inside the building, "Travis's place."

We huddled up in the elevator as she frantically pushed the number 5 on the elevator.

"Travis invited Dante over for a movie. It was all of us. Davvy, Dante, Emma, Trav, AJ, Clay, and me. I was just about to call you before we heard screaming and banging going on in Travis's guest room." She swallowed thickly and looked down nervously.

We were on the third floor, the elevator was going slow. No doubt due to the storm.

"We walked in and seen Emma naked, she was covering herself up and Dante was screaming at Adrian. They wouldn't stop screaming at each other. They've been trading some brutal punches." Rosie sniffled and shook.
I learned a couple of days ago that Rosie has very bad anxiety, so this didn't help at all.

The elevator dinged and its doors opened as we followed Rosie to whichever room was Travis's. She stuck the keycard in the door and pushed it open. We saw Travis trying to calm an angry Davina down on the couch when my head snapped to the sound of screaming and yelling. Alex ran with me and I saw Adrian throw a punch Dante's way. Dante easily blocked it and threw a right hook to Adrian's jaw. Adrian stumbled back, and I couldn't help but cringe at the sound of his neck popping.
I noticed Adrian was wearing nothing but boxers. Emma was yelling at Dante to stop when she noticed Alex and me in the doorway. Her eyes widened and she immediately ran towards my brother. She was wearing a loose shirt and underwear. I internally groaned as I looked at Alex. He stiffened up and nodded at me, indicating to stop the fight while he dealt with her.

Primed for Sin (18+)Where stories live. Discover now