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*Mature Content Warning*


It's one o'clock in the morning. Everyone except Travis, Alex, and Davina were awake. They passed out after around eleven. AJ was half asleep already. This show is really fucking good, crazy, but good. We're on the last episode of season one, apparently season two is a hell of a ride. No one has even cracked open the booze.

I was still cuddled up next to AJ, Rosie was sitting in Clay's lap, Clay was literally braiding Rosie's hair. I snorted quietly at them. Travis was snoring quietly and Davina was sprawled across his legs, they were both on the floor. Dante was watching the show, slowly eating a piece of pizza.

"What did Dante buy?" I whispered into AJ's ear and he thought for a second before leaning down and whispering back into my ear.

"Beer, a bottle of vodka, and like four little things of fireball. Which one do you want?" He asked and I shook my head and smiled.

"No, it's okay. Where are they?" I asked and he bent down again, "I think your brother said he was putting them in your room."

I nodded and started to get up and looked back, AJ slumped in my spot and I laughed to myself. He was too tired. I was still in the same outfit that I had answered the door in, so I slid across the floor to the stairs and began to walk up them. I got halfway upstairs when I heard something weird in Alex's room. My brows connected when I got closer and heard a girl giggling in there.

What the fuck?

His door wasn't closed all of the way, it was cracked a bit so I peeked through and seen Alex sitting on his bed flirting with that Bianca girl from the party. My eyes widened when he kissed her, I guess they hit it off. I think she was nineteen or twenty and she was very pretty, way to go brother.

I walked into my room and looked at my phone to see it was one o'clock and I had a text message from an unknown number. Immediately curious, I unlocked my phone and clicked my messages to read it. My eyes widened when I read it:

Unknown: Hello, Riley. You can run, but you can't hide forever. I'm gaining on you, I promise.

I quickly blocked the number and threw my phone on the floor.

"Ugh!" I groaned out and looked at the bags sitting on my bed. I grabbed the bottle of vodka and a cup from the bag. I unscrewed the cap on the liquor and poured some into the plastic cup, bringing it to my lips and taking a couple big gulps. I heard someone knock on my door frame and looked up to see Dante, he sleepily walked into the room after shutting the door and grabbed a beer from the bag. He popped the cap off and took a big wig from it. I sat my cup down, ready to go back to the living room before Dante sat his bottle down and took a step towards me. I instinctively took a step back and much to my dismay and as cliché as it sounds, hit the wall behind me. He chuckled as he entrapped me with his arms. I could feel his hot breath hitting my face and he looked into my eyes. I could barely see him, but the moon lit his face up just enough to make out his features.

"Why do you do that to me..." He groaned quietly and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Do what to you? I haven't even talked to you tonight." I exclaimed and he groaned again. He hooked his fingers into my knee high socks and pulled them, then he released them causing them to slap against my skin.

"That, merda. You dress like that and I have to control myself all night..." He explained and I felt my cheeks heat up out of embarrassment.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know you guys were... I didn't know you were coming over." I responded and he bent his head down, kissing my neck with an open mouth.

Primed for Sin (18+)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें