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I woke up to someone shaking me awake and I groaned loudly. My eyes fluttered open and I saw Alex hovering over me with worry caking his face.

"Are you okay? You wanted to leave last night in a hurry and didn't want to sleep by yourself." He explained and I sat up and took in my surroundings.

I was in Alex's room and in his bed. Beside the bed on the floor was a pallet made, I'm guessing that's where Alex slept last night. Memories from last night came flooding my brain. I remember playing suck 'n blow and then Dante carried me upstairs into a guest room. I remember him almost kissing me... oh my god he knows. Oh my god. He knows my name. He probably knows everything. I remember slamming my head on his face to get away from him. I remember him pinning me to the wall to try to calm me down and I remember screaming Alex's name in bloody murder. I remember Alex running in the room and throwing Dante off of me and carrying me to the car and that's it. That's where I passed out, I don't remember anything else.

"Sweetheart, tell me what happened last night..." Alex whispered as he brushed my hair out of my face. I looked up at him with tears forming in my eyes and I did my best to blink them away, yet one betrayed me and fell down my face.

"We have to leave, Alex... He knows. I don't know how much he knows. Last night he called me Riley Wilson... I don't know how he knows, but he does and... and we just can't stay here!" I cried out and Alex stiffened up as his bedroom door opened. He grabbed the gun off of the table beside his bed and pointed it at the person standing in the door.

The mysterious person dropped their hood off from around their face and revealed Dante. Dante put his hands up in surrender but didn't look phased. His lip was busted, probably from me hitting his face with my head.

"You're not going to kill me." Dante stated as if he was completely fine.

"And why the fuck should I not put a bullet in your skull right now?" Alex seethed and cocked the gun. My eyes widened, I didn't want to witness this.

Dante chuckled and dared to walk further into the room. He looked at me with sadness closing in on his face.

"Tiana, I was drunk. I didn't know what I was saying, hell... I don't even know what I said if we're being completely honest..." He trailed off, shoving his hands in his pockets and looking at the carpet.

"You're lying. You never once touched a drink last night and you called her by her name." Alex hissed and Dante paled in the face.

"Cazzo.." He whispered to himself and I tried to swallow the lump forming in my throat.

"Explain before I pull the trigger." Alex said and my heart dropped.

At that moment I realized how big of a crush I had on him. I don't want him to die. I don't want to move. I like my friends. I like Monarch Valley High School. I like my classes. I like Georgio's Café. I like the scenery. I like the weather and the environment. I like the parties. I like Tiana. I like Alex.

"I would put that gun up if I were you." Dante warned Alex and that just made Alex even angrier.

"I would fucking explain if I were you!" Alex yelled and I flinched.

Dante pulled out his own gun quickly and aimed it at Alex, "Don't point a fucking gun at my face if you won't shoot me, brutto coglione del cazzo!" (You fucking moron.)

No fucking way. I grabbed my gun from behind Alex's pillow and pointed it at Dante as well. Dante cocked an eyebrow at me and Alex already knew what I did.

"Drop your gun and give us information. NOW!" I screamed at Dante and everyone in the room flinched from my tone. Dante's eyes widened and he put his gun on the floor, kicking it over to Alex.

Primed for Sin (18+)Where stories live. Discover now