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"There's a party over on Washington street tonight... Rosalie and I were thinking about going and we were wondering if you wanted to come with?" Davina asked with a mouthful of a burger as we sat in a booth at Georgio's Café.

I chuckled quietly at her not so modest way of asking me.

"I'll have to run it by Alex, but other than that, yeah. I'm down." I said as I took a sip from the coffee in my mug.

It was seven o'clock. The school was out by now and Davina was chilling with me at the café. I didn't tell her about my run-in with her brother or what I overheard him saying to Emma. It's Friday afternoon, meaning it hasn't been that long since the breakup between Dante and Emma. Davina dramatically huffed my direction and I looked at her confusedly.

"If he's your brother he shouldn't care, it's not like he's your dad." She groaned and I shot her a half-smile.

"Alex is just kind of protective over me, it's just a respect thing." I said sincerely.

"What happened to your parents?" She asked and I noticeably stiffened in my seat. I had to have known this question was going to get asked one way or another. Alex was usually the one to deal with that question, I never knew what to say.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry. I don't have a filter and sometimes I just blurt things out without thinking about it. I'm sorry, you don't have to answer if you don't want to." She said whole-heartedly as she looked at me with regret-filled hazel eyes.

"It's fine, it's just a long story that I don't really care for repeating." I said shortly, trying to get the conversation to end right there.

She nodded and smiled sadly at me. I scooted out of my seat and slapped a five dollar bill on the table as a tip for my coffee. I grabbed my bag and threw it over my shoulder and looked at her as she stood up with me.

"Well, I better head out, I'll text you and let you know, okay?" I asked and she grinned whilst nodding her head furiously.

"I really hope you can go, Rosalie and I need an extra bitch in the group with us anyways, vederti!" She said, kissing my cheek and skipping out of the café.(See you.)

I walked out of the café and started walking towards my house. It was about a thirty minute walk and the sun was already out of sight. It was getting dark pretty quickly and I started to pick up my pace. It wasn't safe for me to be out by myself at night time, but I didn't have any other choice. Alex was picking up groceries for the house and he had left his phone at home on accident. I didn't want to burden anybody else with having to come pick me up either, so I just needed to tough it out and act like a big girl who could take care of herself.

I got an eerie feeling that I wasn't alone as I took a short cut to my house, a gravel road. It was better than being on the highway where I could easily be spotted by somebody that didn't need to know where I was. The last thing I needed was for me to get kidnapped and Alex having no one left. He'd be completely and utterly alone, no way I could do that to him. We were in this together. From being on the run, to killing Kat and covering that up, to torturing people for answers that we never fucking got, to hiring private investigators, to now hiding. We were in this together.

It was starting to get cold out, and it was now completely dark. I heard rocks crunching behind me and I picked up my speed. My house was now fifteen minutes away. I was in good enough shape to run for fifteen minutes straight, but what if the person was too? I never turned around, not once. I'm not one of those people who investigate and then run. I just run. Don't look back, don't be a goddamned idiot.

Primed for Sin (18+)Where stories live. Discover now