Chapter 5- 'The girl I can't say no to'

Start from the beginning

"I like the way you think woman!!" I smile at her and clap my hands in excitement.

"Now what?!" Amira asks in a desperate voice. "I think the possibility of the boys coming to rescue us again today, can be eliminated." We nod and laugh hysterically at our bad luck and start taking off our shoes.


Why?! Who?! Gosh, where is the bloody phone?!!! It was like 8 in the morning, why would anyone call?!! It better be important or else...wait, that's not my ringtone. Oh, right, that's Amira's phone. Wake up fuck face!! Don't make me wake up now, I was way too deep in a beautiful dream about Tom. I think if she picks up now I can still go back and save my dream. Nope... she is not going to wake up even if a rock band started singing next to her bed. I sit up and shake her leg, she lets out a moan and says "die bitch!!" I let go of her leg from the shock and fall back to my mattress from laughter. I take her phone and I place it on her face, her eyes pop open from shock, coz she felt it vibrating on her face and ringing loud, she takes the phone, and answers, without even looking at the caller ID. She doesn't say anything just holds the phone to her ear. I think she fell asleep sitting. I laugh with my hand on my mouth and I poke her arm to wake her up, AGAIN, and she shakes her head and looks confused. "Who is it?!" I ask her to check if she is really awake. "What?!" she asks back, as she has no idea what's going on. The phone starts ringing again, I am guessing the caller hung up on her before, thinking it got disconnected or something, and now he is calling her again. She wipes her sleepy eyes and answers again. "Hello" she says and she wakes up completely when she realizes who the caller is. "Oh, great, ok one hour, sure...Bye" she hangs up and smiles at me. "We have a ride!!" She says this with a squeaky sound and we start to jump around like crazy people for not having to walk to college today. It's weird how simple things like this can make us so happy.


I look out of the window as I hear a car horn go off. Fuck, they are already here!! We are girls for god's sake!! Have some patience!! Besides, classes start after 12:00, so why the rush?! "Dude, where is the eyeliner?!" Amira asked. She was putting on more make-up than usual. "Here, but isn't it too much already? They are taking us to college, not to prom." She stops applying the eyeliner and looks at me with only one eye done. She looked kind of hilarious, but I hold the laughter because she looks sad. "I always put on more make-up when I am nervous." She looks ashamed, then looks away and grabs the make-up removal thing. I stop her and hold her hand, it's ok if you feel nervous around those guys, and makeup makes you feel more comfortable, I get it, I am a girl" She hugs me then I sit her down and start drawing the other wing of her eyeliner. After like another hour we were finally ready to go. When we went down the guys were so pissed, they didn't even say hi to us, just ordered us to get into the car. Amira and I looked at each other and smiled a devilish smile, we knew we were in the wrong, but we enjoyed making the boys mad. We were pure evil and I loved it. I had a lot of friends in the UK, but I never spent this much time with any of them, I loved being here and I loved being in the back seat of a car with two of the hottest guys in college in the front seat.

"Do you have anything to say to defend your selves?!" Tom finally speaks. "About what?!" Amira asks. "About you being so freaking late, that we lost our reservation" Tom says with an angry voice. Our eyes widen and we both look at him excitingly. "What reservation?!" I ask, almost dying from curiosity, I guess curiosity does kill cats, and people like me. "It wasn't what you think, it wasn't a fancy restaurant or something" he shatters my hopes and dreams with his words. "It was a paint ball field reservation, but you guys took so fucking long to paint your pretty little faces, that we missed it" he snapped. "Gosh, relax man, how should we know you were planning that if you haven't told us?" I tell him, as I start to get mad. "This is how surprises work genius!!! You don't tell the person who you wanna surprise about the fucking surprise!!" He shouts at me. And I get a bit scared, so I just lean back in my seat and look out the window ignoring him, and also fighting the urge to cry. No one ever shouts at me like that, and I am kind of emotional, I once cried because I was late for college and I couldn't find the other pair of shoes I already picked out. But this was embarrassing!! If they caught me crying now they would think I was a freak, and I defiantly didn't want to look like a freak in front of my crush. Oh, right, he was my crush!! I smile as I realize that. When I look back, I see Amira punching Tom and threatening him to cut his balls off, and Dan trying to hold her back AND paying attention to the road in front of him, as he was driving. I get sick of the shouting so I scream at the top of my lounges. Mission accomplished.

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