ch. 13 ✰ the deja vu situation

Start from the beginning

"Yup," he sighs. "I told Ayushi and the others about you because they kept wondering where you were. They visited you a couple of times, but you were knocked out, so they didn't bother much."

I nod my head, and then I say, "What about you?"

"What about me?" he questions, narrowing his eyes.

"I mean," I pause, "What were you doing?"

He pauses for a moment and looks off into the other corner of the room. "I was here."


"Yeah," he nods his head. "I wasn't really in the party mood to begin with, so I thought to myself, 'why not be here and laugh at you drooling'?"

"What?!" I shriek, feeling my cheeks turning red due to embarrassment. "I was drooling?"

"You sure were," he chuckles to himself, dimples pressing into his cheeks. "It was hilarious."

I roll my eyes. "Glad you find my saliva amusing."

He laughs, throwing his head back. A lazy smile forms on my lips and then he takes a deep breath, studying me again. His expression suddenly turns serious as I see his pupils swarming with terror. I bite my lip in anticipation and breathe out, "Are you okay?"

"Who, me?" he breaks out of his trance once again. Man, he's acting really weird. I raise my eyebrows, nodding my head. He adjusts his position and clears his throat. "Maybe, maybe not."

I snort. "What is that supposed to mean?"

He shrugs. "Nothing. It's just that when you blacked out... that shit was scary to watch. Kind of gave me déjà vu," he mutters the last sentence.

Confusion settles in my mind. "What do you mean?" I question.

Then, he clears his throat again and rapidly shakes his head. "Nothing."

I scoff. "That's clearly not nothing, Akash. Tell me."

He breathes out, "I'm serious. I'm fine."

"But you were just telling me that you were—"

"Just stop!" he spits out. A gasp hitches in my throat as I look over at Akash in shock. He nervously bites his lip and groans, placing his hand on his head in exasperation. Why did he lash out at me like that? And what did he mean by seeing me black out gave him déjà vu?

I continue to stare at him in shock as he closes his eyes to himself, regaining his composure. Then, I think to myself what Ayushi told me. She did say that Akash had a dark and disturbing past, so is this what she means?

Suddenly, he shoots up from his kneeling position, looking at me with a foreign expression. "I need to get some fresh air," he murmurs. "I'll tell someone to monitor you." Then, he fidgets with himself, as if he wants to say something else, but instead he walks out the door, leaving me in complete and utter confusion.

What the hell was that?

One second he was being so caring and sweet and keeping me company, but then all of a fucking sudden his mood completely changes and then he storms out of the goddamn door. I scratch my head confusingly as I try to recall whatever the hell made him so upset suddenly.

My head thumps with pain as the thin walls vibrate due to the pounding music. I squeeze my eyes shut in pain as I press my fingers on my temple. When will this freaking headache stop being such a pain in the ass? I always had hangovers the next day with painful headaches, but never had I blacked out and felt aches all over my body. And it's only 3 in the morning, which means I'm gonna have to deal with this bullshit the entire night.

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