I told him not to tell her we were leaving.

"You know what happened after that, you were with me the whole time." he said, licking his lips as he rubbed at the corner of his one eye.

Of course I knew what happened, how could I forget? He was always drunk, always crying. I told him to man up and move on every damn day, but did he listen? Nope. He was always trying to text her and call her, but I took his phone away and deleted her number. I couldn't let him ruin her again. Besides, I was the one who wanted to fix her.

"That night at the club, I just got wasted. I finally realized I had to move on, maybe getting laid by someone other than Ashley would be nice. I didn't even like her, she was just there when Gen wasn't." he admitted.

"Well, wasted is what I got for sure. I found a hot girl behind a mask and took her to the room. We fucked and..it was her. I should have known. Why didn't I know her voice? I was so drunk my mind wasn't in the right state, I mean. I used to think every girl I saw sounded like Genevieve since I missed her so much." He said.

"I get it Luke, you love her, blah blah blah. Move on quicker, you need to tell me what the hell you did." I said.

"Genevieve tried with me, she really did. I tried with her as well. Things were going good, but then Ashley came into the picture once more. I didn't understand how it could have happened, we were safe when we...y'know. I made sure of it, I may be stupid but I'm not that stupid. The whole thing shocked me, and I still don't know what to do. Ashton I can't...I can't do this. I'm not ready for this."

"Maybe you should have kept your dick out of her then." I said and he frowned.

"Ashton can you at least be a little respectful? I'm going through a lot of shit right now, I have no one to support me." he said.

"Jesus christ Ashton, are you serious? You're such a fucking idiot. I'm not going to support you in this because you did it to yourself. I'm tired of cleaning up your messes. You broke Genevieve down and you know it, so man up and learn to deal with your own problems!" i yelled at him, people around us staring.

His bottom lip trembled like a small child whose parents told him no at the candy store. I rolled my eyes as he started crying a bit, head dropping down low. Everything was catching up to him at once, and me yelling drove him over the edge to break down. Luke wasn't emotional, but when he got so worked up to the edge, he let it all go. Poor kid couldn't help himself.

I sighed and stood, walking to his side and sitting beside him, He held onto me and cried into my t-shirt like he was five years old.

A waitress walked over, asking if we were alright. I quickly told her a short lie as to why he was crying, asking for two waters, and she was off to the back once again.

"Come on Luke, it's alright. It's alright." I said trying to soothe him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it okay? Come on, just calm down. We can finish this talk another day, how about you just tell me what you came here to tell me?" i suggested and he mumbled an 'okay' through his sobs.

He lifted his head up and pushed down his sleeve, wiping his eyes. His sleeve adjusted his bracelets a bit and I gulped, seeing a small scar. I quickly turned my head away.

I cleared my head, and stood up, walking back to my side of the table and sitting down just as the older waitress placed down our waters.

"If you boys need anything else, ring the bell in the front. I'm going on break." She said with a smile and I nodded, her legs carrying her away once again.

I looked back at Luke who now stared at his lap, holding back all emotions now as the dried tears on his face were the only indication of his previous break down.

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