28 - Hope

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The photograph sent James into a spiral of rage as he tore out of the clubhouse, stormed to the garage and started throwing car parts and tools everywhere.
He had to calm down. But the image of Genevieve being jumped by four other women was still present at the front of his mind. He couldn't do anything to help her. He couldn't even see her, just to tell her everything was going to be okay.

He should have done more, fought harder for her. The thought in his head were beginning to consume him - the negativity and self loathing taking control as the sight of her in handcuffs and being carted away in the back of that police car played on a loop in his subconscious. And now he had her being attacked to add to the mix. The video.

"Thor! Thor come on I know but you got to calm down!" Chaos shouted over the crashing of metal against concrete. "We're going to find her okay. We will and you can go see her."

Chaos tried to calm the giant down, he needed him to stay focused.

"And if it was Lennox? you wouldn't be acting the same if your wife was the one falsely imprisoned and being attacked? I cant do anything to help her Chaos!! You cant stand there and say that your head wouldn't be exploding at the though of Lennox being hurt." Thor seethed.

"Of course i would be. You of all people know i have been in the past. The whole family cares about Genevieve you know that, and you know we are doing everything to help her and get her home." Chaos took hold of James by the shoulder and pushed him to sit in a nearby bench.

"You need to stay calm for her James." Thor took a moment to contemplate his words, knowing that Chaos was right. "Its hard i know it is. When Lennox and i... were taken, and i couldn't get to her or help her. I went crazy. I knew they were hurting her James, they hurt me too. But i had to hang in there for her sake. And now you have to do the same."

"I just miss her so much Cha." He said as a tear slipped down his tired face. He hated to admit just how much he needed Genevieve. In such a short space of time she had helped him, helped him stay off the pain killers, helped him with his therapy and just put a smile on his face.

As soft as he felt for saying it, Genevieve had helped him get his life back.

But now she wasn't here, and he knew she was hurt and could do nothing.

Chaos pulled James out of the garage and back to the clubhouse, maybe Lennox would be able to help calm him down. The two boys made their entrance into the bar, where most of the patches were sat working on gathering information about the Mafia or Genevieve's whereabouts.

Everyone greeted James with small smiles, trying to gage his mood before angering him further. People seem to forget, because he's so quiet, just how strong Thor is, and nobody wanted to end up in a fight with him.

Across the room Arnoux and Anya sat with mugs of black coffee, the morning news paper and cigarette in hand. Anya caught James's attention and motioned him over to join them.

"How are you today Son?" Arnoux asked from over top of the sports section.

"I've been better Mr Elysees" he said as Anya took his hand, inspections his freshly split knuckles. "Did you guys find a good hotel yet?"

"Well you see my boy, my darling wife wants to stay here, close to everyone."

"But we keep getting attacked, the gang keep coming and-"

"Yes I know" Anya spoke up, cutting him off. "But it's rather exciting isn't it. And besides James, we are more than capable of looking after ourselves. And I want to experience part of Genevieve's life here. Meet her friends and such."

She took a moment to compose herself before continuing. "We have been away from Gen for too long James. I want to be right here when we get her back."

James, although worried for the pair, could understand their desire to stay close to the family.

"Well I hope Lennox sorted you out with a good room at least" he said with a chuckle before the three settled into more casual conversation.

Arnoux asking about why american football was considered football, Anya asking him about him and Genevieve and how they got together. It was nice to feel close to her family, James listened to all their stories about Genevieve getting an insight into the life she had in Paris, her life before her brother died and her life changed forever.

Sike however had been busy the past couple of weeks, calling in favours to various people at the police department to get him into the data base and check records, more importantly prison records.

He sat in a corner of the clubhouse, with all of his computers and monitors scouring every resource he had.

And then Genevieve's face flashed up onto his screen.
He stared for a moment, just to check what he was seeing was real, wasn't just a result of being sat in front of six screens for weeks on end.

"BOSS!" I've got something!!" He went running into the bar eyes clocking onto Chaos and then James.

"Thor I've fucking found her!" He said with a laugh as he ran back to his computer.

James was up and out of his seat, phone in hand ready to call Axel if it actually was her, while Arnoux and Chaos and basically the rest of the club followed behind them.

"You better not be shitting me here Sike."

"You think I'd make this up with all the tantrums you've been throwing?" Sike said, regretting his banter when he saw a slice of anger flash across Thor's face. "Take a look for yourself man."

All eyes were on that screen and taking in the sight of Genevieve's mugshot.

Another addition to the wall. Chaos couldn't help but laugh at the thought despite the severity of the situation at hand.

"It's her." James whispered to himself as Arnoux hand wrapped around his shoulder giving him a reassuring shake.

"We've got our girl."

Authors Note

Please don't kill me 😅 I know I've been away for a long long time, I'm the worst! And as much as I don't want to make excuses life just got in the way.

But I promise I will finish this story.

Already planning and writing the next chapter so bare with me!!

Thank you all so much if you made it this far and for sticking with me ❤️

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2022 ⏰

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