19 - Monsters

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Thank You everyone for supporting my story and for all your lovely comments.
Made some time to get a bit of writing done for you all :)

And thank you for everyone's comments on my business venture! If anyone is interested it would mean a lot if you could give me a follow on Instagram and Etsy, my handle is @ rssketch ❤️

Hope you all enjoy!

Hope you all enjoy!

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Small cries bounced around the small hospital room and Lennox sat with her baby in her weary arms. After hours of screams, calling for her husband and the inevitable agony that Genevieve could comprehend... he was here.

Carter Callahan Lee has been welcomed to the world and introduced to all his extended family.

Genevieve had stayed with Lennox through the whole ordeal, held her hand and mopped her brow completely enamoured by the grotesque beauty of the delivery. She was grateful for the distraction. In that room she didn't have to think about what she had done, who she had hurt again and what would happen next.

Sat in an examination room of her own, she zoned out of the painstaking process of getting stitches in the side of her throat and face. She watched every minute tick by, the last minutes of her freedom before the police came and took her away.

Locked her away.
Away from her brother and Loki. Away from the club and her new found family. Away from Baby Carter. Away from James.

That's what she deserved.
Axel found her sat alone in the corridor outside of Lennox's room while everyone was in there celebrating the new addition to their family.

He saw her slumped to the floor crying as she gently rocked herself back and forward.
He sat beside her and took her into his arms and rocked with her. He had to keep her grounded.

"I did it again." She whispered to him in such a broken voice that he found it painful to listen.
"I did it again." She kept repeating to herself.
"I hurt someone again. I hurt someone again."

He tried his best to shush her, to calm her shaking hands and bring her to the reality of the events which had unfolded last night. She had been jumped, dragged from her family, beaten and threatened. These men hurt her, her Lennox and her unborn child and hurt her family. Her actions were nothing but self defence. She was protecting herself and protecting her sister.

But she couldn't see that.
The truth was that the death of their brother had hit her harder than anything in her life. But the blame their parents placed onto her was the nail in the coffin. Genevieve was reduced to nothing, broken, grief-stricken and most of all guilty.

Guilt is a powerful thing which can consume anything and anyone in its path. And Axel has watched how it could hurt his baby sister.

Genevieve Elysees still carries that burden with her, the unbridled fear that she will hurt someone again just like she had hurt her twin brother. She couldn't see that the accident was just than, an accident. No one could have controlled what had happened. It could have been anyone but someone somewhere decided it was to be their Brother.

Axel and Genevieve weren't close as children. He had been envious of Phoenix and his sisters close bond that he let his jealousy consume him. He had joined his mother and father in outcasting her for being different. And that was the thing he hated most about himself. To this day he was haunted by how he used to taunt her for being blind. Called her sick and worthless.

In many ways he had contributed to the fragility of her mental state today... and he would hate himself until the day he is taken from this life and carry that guilt with him into the next.

"What if I hurt them Ax. What if I hurt our family. What if I hurt Carter?" Her sobs grew louder with her state of hysteria.

"You won't Gen. I promise you that. You don't hurt the people you love. You saved Lennox and Carter. You saved the club and you stood by your sisters side when she needed you. You aren't a monster Genevieve. You're a hero to the club.

Everyone in that room there, welcoming that new little life, cherishes you just as much. You're the youngest but you are the strongest out of all of us. Because despite your mind poisoning you with this self hatred, telling you that if you protect us you are worthless, a monster... you did it. Without you Lennox or Mackenzie or Marlene or Emily or James or Me or Carter could have died.

You hurt one man to save your family. That is no monstrous act."

She let his words sink in. Tried to take them into her brain and calm her own voice of hatred.
You hurt one man to save the family.
You hurt one man to save the family.
Save the family.

You hurt one man.

By the time Lennox and Carter were welcomed back to the clubhouse, Genevieve's vacant front was back. She told no one of her breakdown in that hospital corridor, she told no one of the torment and harshness of her own subconscious. To the outside looking in she was even better than before.

Despite the joy of the new baby, A cloud of angst still loomed over the clubhouse. Members went on with their daily lives once again... all the while cautious of the imposing threat which set out to take them down.

It was then that James decided that his love alone couldn't protect Genevieve from the brutality of this organisation.
He couldn't help her when they were attacked, she had to fend for herself and put herself in harms way. She protected him. A small part of his mind decided it was because of his disability. Just like he had always thought he could never have someone close to him if he could protect them.

He couldn't keep Genevieve safe.

He watched her as she sat next to Lennox with the girls, all focused on the baby in front of them. He saw the way Gen looked at him, her reluctance to go near him. He was worried about her.

He tried to think of the right time to tell her that he couldn't see her anymore. His heart was breaking at the thought of not being there for her... but he had to do this. He had to let her go to keep her safe.

He couldn't be the reason for her pain. He couldn't be the one to fail her more than he already has. He had put her in so much danger with his actions.
When he's stop on the street just to kiss her, or go to her apartment to tuck her in at night. Or when he took her out to dinner or for adventures which were always cut short because of his leg.

He couldn't bring her down with him.
He couldn't keep her safe.

And a world without Genevieve Elysees?
It would kill him.

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