02 - Sickly Sweet

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My father, Jakob Thorrnson, always taught me to fight your battles and stick up for yourself

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My father, Jakob Thorrnson, always taught me to fight your battles and stick up for yourself. He used to tell me stories of Odin, Aesir and Balder and their battles. He taught me how to fight. We would spar until I passed out bloody and bruised. Not very paternal I know, but that was my father. An old Norse man stuck in his ways, he was raised exactly the same and so was his father, and his father before that and even further back. That was just or family. But when we came to America... my father became ashamed of his heritage. He was bullied and isolated from society, so he changed his name to Jacob Thornton changed our family names and stopped telling me the stories of our ancestors and the tales of the mighty gods.

But then he met Thomas Sanderson, Henry Ryder and Viktor Vaughn. A motley crew, brothers driven by their family values.
Tommy took my father under his wing and taught him everything about America.
And soon enough they were known all about town. Soon enough the four would meet a whole load of misfits and eventually create the Iron Horsemen Motorcycle Club.
A club to protect their own and look out for a city once filled with corruption. They were all united under the security they offered one another. It's why their names are still etched into the oak in church, onto the club blade used to patch new Presidents, onto the walls of the same old clubhouse.
We protect our own.

Everything was silent for a small, sweet moment. Then the screaming began. Blood flowed from the hand of the creeper as his wails filled the room.
James watched Genevieve with a careful eye as she took in deep shaky breaths, almost as if she couldn't believe what she had done. Axel was the only on to move as he headed straight for his younger sister, took her by the hand and grasped her chin so she was looking directly at him.

James didn't miss the sickly sweet smile that graced her slender face.
"You stupid little bitch!" The man seethed as his eyes met hers with viscous intent.
"I wouldn't remove that blade if I were you mate" Axel said in a low tone. "unless you want to bleed out? I do believe my sister had severed your artery... judging from all that blood. It would be such a shame to see you die from such a little cut"
Silence, once again encased the Steel Baby. Jockeys, Patches, Prospects and Townys all stood still as time seemed to freeze.

And then it all happened.
One of the men in the little sick trio lunged for Axel landing a punch to his jaw and tackling him to the ground. The second man already making a bee line for Genevieve.
That's when James acted. He and his club honed in on these out of towners, clearly they didn't know who made the rules around these parts. On shaky legs he made his way straight for the brunette who had certainly captured his attention from the moment she entered the bar... no one had ever captivated him like that before.

Chaos swarmed the men and began throwing them off the now Friends of the Club. Bones and Hammer made sure to give them a seeing too. From the corner of his eye James saw his brothers reign hell on the men and he couldn't help but smile. His attention however was stuck on the girl. But he had to watch in horror as her knife victim pulled the blade from his palm and launched himself at her, delivering a sickening blow to her temple.

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