06 - Skön

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If only the drunks hadn't have stormed into the room. If only they hadn't of pulled James and Genevieve from the trance placed on the both of us. If only James had of realised how close he was to touching her, kissing her. His mind was filled with anger towards his club as they all stood round the bar, singing happy birthday to their president. But his eyes were firmly on Genevieve, as per usual, he watched her sing surprised by her melodic voice. But he couldn't help but think of what could have happened if they hadn't of been disturbed.

For the next hour or so the drinks continue to flow and the club became even louder. It got to 5am when people started to settle down, leave and head to bed. Genevieve was trying her best to drag her brother home but he was very reluctant to walk.
"Genevieve w-we need a voiture. I can can't walk home like this." He pointed to the taxi waiting outside of the compound.
"Axel. Do not test me right now. We are not getting a car. You know why." She watched as her brother began to walk away, before he turned back to grab her wrist and drag her behind him. Genevieve was strong but she couldn't overpower her big brother.
"Get over it Gen, it was years ago. Just get in the damn car"

The rest of the club who hadn't passed out drunk watched on uncomfortably, including James. He stood having to hold himself back. He could see her struggling to get out of his grasp as he moved quickly to her.
"Axel. You're hurting your sister!" James boomed, voice filled with venom.
"Fous le camp de moi!" She screeched watching her wrist turn a deep shade of red.
"Get the hell in the car Genevieve. I'm not playing games with you! You're not staying here to whore yourself to Thor, you're not walking home alone, you're not sleeping with him here. So get in the DAMN CAR!"

The lot was silent for a moment, as James moved to place a hand around Axel's and the other places gently around her waist.
"You know. You are the only one who knows why. I will not get in this car, I will not drive anywhere with you. Je ne veux même pas the regarder" her voice cold and deadly. She pulled herself away from both the men that held her.
Her wrist throbbed and her eyes watered.

Genevieve looked around the lot consumed with embarrassment, having an argument in front of people she barely knew. But she was comforted in the presence of the girls she had grown to like.
"I never thought you would be the one to treat me like this Axel, mother and father yes... never you. Sure you're drunk. But a drunk mind spills sober thoughts. You just lost your sister"

Axel's jaw dropped as his mind caught up to his  mouth. He stumbled and blabbered trying to form a sentence to redeem himself, but Genevieve had had enough. She turned, shrugged off James hand which reached to her and walked off out the gates of the compound.
"Genevieve!" Multiple voices called out the her as she broke into a run, the tears beginning to run down her pale cheeks. James tried to run after her, but failed miserably.
"Finn!" He shouted angrily, frustrated by his inability "Follow her, make sure she gets home." Once again Thor cursed the day he lost his abilities to be strong... to be a man. He couldn't even go after her to make sure she was safe. That is why he had to let her go. In his world, there was no room for love. It just brought you pain in the end.

In a stupidly perfect timing, the heavens opened as rain lashed down onto the tarmac of the lot. Soon enough the sky was stuck with bolts of lightning which perfectly reflected James's white hot anger towards Axel and his own predicament.

"What the he'll are you playing at" he seethed. Sure, Chaos was the beast of the club... but James was once the beasts right hand man.
Axel stood trembling almost as the brute Viking stood before him.
"Has the alcohol made you forget the fact she is your sister, your blood?" James let out a frustrated laugh before he lunged at the brunette, clutching him by the collar of his denim Borg jacket. "Chaos may want you in this club, but if that's how you treat your real family, you won't be welcome in my eyes.

If you touch her like that again, I'll kill you myself Axel Elysées. And I don't break promises"

"Genevieve! Wait up!" Finn called out to the girl meters in front of him

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"Genevieve! Wait up!" Finn called out to the girl meters in front of him. "Genevieve!"
"Leave me alone Fin" she stopped and turned to him suddenly, her tears had stopped now, her voice was tired and hurt.
"Come on Gen I've got to make sure you get home safe or James will have my ass"

"Don't worry about me Fin, no body cares about me. Just go home. I'll be fine on my own, I always have been"

"You don't have to be alone anymore Genevieve. Everyone in this club loves you. We were all alone until we found each other and now we protect the family. And you are part of that now."

"Am I?" She said exhausted. Eyes locking with Fin as they shared the same tired and sad look.
"I'm alone Fin. My family didn't want me, Axel got stuck with me... James can't even look at me at the best of times.
I don't belong anywhere and I definitely don't belong here, I want to go home but I can't. There's people there who want me dead because of what I did Fin. It was all my fault" her voice broke as a fresh set of tears began to well in her hazel eyes. "It was all my fault Finneas. I broke my family because I was selfish. I got hurt and screamed at by my family because I deserved their beatings. I took him away and got everything back all in one night.

Everywhere I go people get hurt. I just need to disappear"

How will Axel react in the morning?
Will James's feelings continue to grow?
Will Genevieve ever accept herself and let the past go?

Stay tuned xo

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