Obviously, Madison was always welcomed, regardless of where we are, but especially at AJ's house since they share a child. Petrease decided she wanted to act a fool, thinking she ran something because she lived with AJ. She tried to get throw something in Madison's face, and Madison lost it.

It seemed like she was releasing all her anger from over the years. It was scary. She was usually a sweet, quiet person.

But apparently, men and their awful choices in women bring out the worst in you.

I prayed that a man and any baggage that accompanied him never did that to me.

"Madison who?" Mica asked, raising his eyebrows. "Not your aunt Madison."

"Yes, that Madison," MJ said, laughing.

"Stop playing," Lauryn said in disbelief & both MJ & I shook her heads.

"It was terrifying," I said, reminiscing.

"Yes. Yall remember when Mica lost his shit in 7th grade and was about to beat Trevon's ass?" MJ asked and everybody but Johnna (we didn't meet her until high school) nodded. "It was like that."

"Damn," Mica mumbled, scratching his head.

"Hold on," Johnna said, pausing. "Mica almost fought somebody?"

"That's not important," Mica said, waving her off before looking back and forth at MJ & I. "Tell the Madison story."

"Okay," MJ said, getting in his 'im about to entertain yall' position. "From the moment Madison walked in with lil AJ, Petrease was on bullshit. She saying little stuff, mumbling under her breath when Madison walks past her. Madison is not saying anything back, because you know she not that type of person. And Kae gon say something if you don't so she didn't need to speak. Petrease, of course, doesn't say anything to Kae because she knows better. But she continues to fuck with Madison even after Kae says something. We get to dinner, and everybody is just talking, everything is chill. Madison is all happy, talking with us, laughing, fitting in, unlike Petrease. I guess that made her mad, so she goes 'you're a good one'. Madison looks at her and is like 'what?'. Petrease is like 'you're a good one'. Madison and the rest of us are confused. Petrease goes on. 'There's no way in hell would I be laughing at thanksgiving dinner with the family of the man who refused to marry me. I just couldn't bear it.' So Madison sighs before giving Petrease a smirk. She goes 'You probably couldn't bear it because they don't like you, They love the hell out of me.' Petrease replies 'they might love you, but he damn sure didn't. At least, not enough to marry you.' I thought Madison was going to give her another smart ass reply but next thing I know, she was lunging over the table, trying to get at Petrease."

"Damnnnn," Everybody at the table said in disbelief.

"Everybody was trying to separate the two, but Madison strong as hell. I guess resentment does that to you." I nodded in agreeance as my phone beeped, indicating I was getting a text. I looked at my phone as MJ kept talking.

I bet ik which song is gonna b ur fav

What's it called?

U'll c ;)

I smiled to myself.

"Tell Chris I said 'hi'," Lauryn said, smacking on some fries in my ear.

"How'd you know I was talking to him?" I asked, looking at her.

"You always get this big ass smile, and I know texting Bria & Jill doesn't make you smile like that."

"How come? I could be happy to text my best friends."

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