Chapter 39

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"What do we do?" a First Order commander asked.

"We need to call an emergency meeting first thing tomorrow morning," Leia replied. "Everyone rest up tonight... we have a lot of preparations to attend to tomorrow."

All of the Resistance members nodded in agreement, but the First Order members looked at Ben for confirmation.

"Don't look at me... do what she says," Ben told them. "She outranks me."

A few of them gave him a puzzled look, as a general she didn't outrank the Supreme Leader.

"She's my mother... so I answer to her," Ben explained.

A few people silently laughed.

Everyone began cleaning up after the celebration, then they all went to the rooms where the Ewoks allowed them to sleep for the night.

The next morning...

The members of the new alliance gathered.

"So what are we going to do now auntie Leia?" Hux asked.

"We need to gather whatever supplies remains from the base. Then we need to take any surviving ships to get more weapons and supplies," she replied.

"Alright you heard the general, let's get this done," Hux said.

Everyone headed back towards the base to gather the weapons and supplies as General Organa had ordered.


"General there's only two ships still intact," Kaydel said.

Leia nodded. "Thank you, Lieutenant Connix," she replied. She turned to look behind her where Rey, Ben and Hux were helping organize some of the supplies. "Ben, Rey, Owen."

The three of them headed over to the princess.

"I need you three to go to cloud city, find Lando and see if he can help us," she told them.

Ben nodded. "We will mom," he told her.

"Did your dad's ship make it?"

Ben nodded. "Yes, thankfully."

Leia smiled. "That's good. You can take The Millennium Falcon."

Ben hugged her. "We'll be back as soon as we can," he told her before kissing her forehead.

"Just be careful," she told him.

Ben smiled. "Don't worry, I won't get a scratch on her."

Leia tiptoed and pulled him down so that she could kiss his cheek. "I was talking about you, sweetheart," she said.

"I'll be careful, mom I promise," he answered.

"You too, Owen... I lost both of you once, I don't want to lose you again," she added, placing her hand on her nephew's shoulder.

Hux smiled at her placing his hand gently on her back. "Thank you," he whispered pulling her into a hug "I'll keep him in line" he added.

Leia smiled as she hugged him. "Thank you," she answered.

He smiled as he pulled away he'd always seen her as a mother and he found himself finding it harder to say good bye then he could have imagined.

Leia placed a soft kiss on his cheek.

He smiled sadly at her then moved aside so that she could say goodbye to Rey.

Rey stepped forward to hug Leia. Leia held her tightly for a long moment before finally letting her go.

"I promise to look after your son and your nephew, and bring them both back safely," she said. "I won't let anything happen to them."

Leia smiled. "I know," she whispered. Then she placed a soft kiss on Rey's cheek.

Rey smiled at her then went over to Ben and took his hand, pulling him towards the Millennium Falcon.

Hux followed close beside them as they all boarded the Falcon.

Ben turned to look at him. "Maybe you could ask Phasma to join us?" he suggested.

Hux blushed and nodded leaving to find her.

He walked out of the Millennium Falcon to see that she was kneeling beside one of the stormtroopers that had stayed at the base, and was now badly injured.

He slowly approached her and she turned to welcome him with a warm smile, his heart skipped a beat as he melted. "I was wondering if you would like to join us on our trip to cloud city?" he asked bashfully.

"I think Lieutenant Mitika can watch over everything here," she said taking his hand and following him to the Millennium Falcon.

"Ready?" Ben called back to them.

"Ready," they both answered.

Rey and Ben entered the coordinates to Cloud City in the Falcon's system, they punched her into light speed.

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