Chapter 8

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Kylo walked through the forest, between the trees lost deep in thought. He barely paid any attention to the trees and plants that he passed. He wasn't just wandering around the forest without purpose, there was a place that he wanted to visit while they were here on Endor. A place that he hadn't seen for many years.

Finally he came to a familiar patch of ground. The place where he had found his grandfather's mask. The place where he had given himself to the Dark Side. In a sense it was his grandfather's grave. He knelt in front of the patch of ground.

He lowered his head. "Show me, grandfather. My heart is being torn to pieces, my mother used to tell me to follow my heart, but how do I know which piece to follow? I'm lost... please help me."

"You're not alone" a voice whispered in his ear.

He felt his breathing almost come to a halt, and his heartbeat seemed to stagger slightly. He looked around for the speaker, but he couldn't see anyone.

"Remember who you are" the voice said.

"Who's there?" he asked.

"You know who I am" it replied.

"Grandfather?" he asked.

"Don't lose yourself Ben remember that all ways" the voice said.

He nodded, even though he didn't really understand.

"Don't lose what really matters in life Ben, don't lose hope" 

Hope? He thought what hope do I have? My mother, she was the very meaning of hope... but I've lost her, I've lost everything. I've already lost myself...she was the only reason that I was able to keep Ben alive, but now she's gone... and Rey doesn't want to speak to me. I have no one... nothing, I'm nothing... nothing but a monster.

He allowed tears to pour down his cheeks, now that he was finally alone and able to mourn his mother in peace. He only wished that he could have seen her one last time.

"You're more then you know"  the voice said.

"No... I will always be nothing but a monster," he answered.

"That is not your's to decide" Then the strong presence that was in the air vanished.

"What does that mean?" he asked, but he received no reply. He looked around, that was strange... he thought. He didn't know what the voice meant... that he was more than he knew? That it wasn't for him to decide? What did that even mean.

He stayed there for a long moment, then he stood and turned to leave, feeling even more confused then he had been when he'd first arrived. He walked back towards the base through the trees the way he had come. He couldn't stop thinking about the voice and wondering what it might mean.

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