Chapter 18

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Hux treaded down the ramp and out of the ship still thinking about what he had walked in on

Ben followed behind him, still a little worried about what Hux might be thinking about him and Rey.

The brisk air pulled Hux from his thoughts he had forgot that Hoth was a cold planet for a moment and the sun reflecting off the snow was almost blinding.

Ben was grateful that he was wearing his thick black cloak, the air was frigid and he imagined that he would be cold without it.

The captain in charge of the Hoth base had opened the door for them to come in "what a surprise" the captain said once they were inside.

"We've come to see how the training is going," Kylo explained.

"Huh I thought Snoke had almost forgotten about this place" said the captain.

Kylo looked at Hux, then back at the captain and nodded. "There's been some changes in the training protocol."

"Really like what?" the captain asked.

"We want to give all of the trainees a choice rather or not they want to stay with the First Order or not, and no more forbidden attachments... this isn't the Jedi order if any members of the First Order wants to get married and have a family, there's nothing wrong with it," he answered. He looked at the floor. "Caring about others isn't a weakness."

The captain snarled not liking the idea "what why would Snoke just all of a sudden change his mind?"

"Snoke is dead" Hux snapped at the captain "we have a new Supreme Leader now"

Ben looked at Hux in surprise. "Yes and the General and I have discussed the future of the First Order, and we have decided that it is in the interest of all members of the First Order to make these changes."

"So you're the new Supreme Leader, you're just a boy" the captain taunted.

Kylo just looked at him, not knowing how to reply. "Even so, I am your Supreme Leader and I have made this decision with the council of the First Order's highest general, if you question these orders than you are questioning the order of two of your highest ranking superior officers."

The captain nodded visibly unhappy "this way to the training area"

He nodded and followed him.

Once they reached the training area they could see all the kids which was a lot.

Ben looked at them for a moment, then he looked at Hux. "How should we handle this, General? Should we give a speech to tell them what changes will be made?"

"I thought being smart and tactical was my job" Hux smirked

Ben shrugged. "Well I suppose you're a good example."

"Thank you and I think a speech would be a great idea" Hux said then smiled slyly "do you want me to write it?"

Ben's face fell, then he smirked. "Actually, I was thinking that this time, I would write it and you can deliver it. They would probably be more willing to listen to you than me, I mean you and Phasma were in charge of the stormtrooper program."

Hux's face fell a bit at the mention of Phasma but he continued "oh no you don't, I know what you have planned and the answer is no"

"Very well, General, I'll pay you back one day, I suppose that you can write the speech, but you have to deliver it," Ben answered.


"I don't trust you... I don't want to deliver some speech about me having the heart and hair of a Wookiee, and that I think the Resistance's droid is adorable and that Rey is beautiful. These are kids, Hux, and unlike the stormtroopers, they'll probably laugh."

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