Chapter 40

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Soon the Millennium Falcon reached Cloud City.

"We're here," Ben told Hux and Phasma.

"Alright then, I guess. Hope he remembers us and doesn't think we're trying to take over Cloud City," Hux said.

Ben nodded. "Hopefully we can convince him that this is a peaceful meeting."

"If he sees that you've come in the Millennium Falcon he must know that you haven't come to attack," Rey pointed out.

"Or he could think that we stole the Millennium Falcon to rub it in his face about....." Hux trailed off.

Ben nodded. "About how my dad won it from him while gambling?"

Hux nodded that's not what he had meant, he'd meant rub it in Lando's face that they had killed Han and took his ship but he was glad that's not what Ben thought he meant. He was very touchy about that subject which was perfectly normal, but he didn't want to hurt his feelings.

"Hopefully he's gotten over it by now, besides we could let him fly it back to the Resistance base just for old time's sake," Ben continued.

Rey nodded. "Good idea," she said. "I'll tell him that Leia gave you the ship," she added, sensing what Hux had been thinking. She was glad that Ben hadn't sensed it because he was distracted by turning off the ship's engines and thinking about his father.

"Good idea," Hux said thankfully.

"Well, I guess we should face him and stop procrastinating," Ben said after a few minutes.

Hux nodded his agreement and Phasma sighed she didn't completely understand her new Supreme Leader.

Rey grabbed Ben's hand and pulled him out of cockpit as she noticed that he hadn't moved yet. She was the only one who wasn't a former member of the First Order, so she was the only one who didn't have cause to be nervous. It was a good idea for her to go first just in case they tried to shoot Ben, Hux or Phasma the moment they stepped out of the freighter.

Rey stepped down the ramp, still holding Ben's hand.

A small group was waiting outside of the freighter blasters in hand.

"What is your business here?" one of them asked.

"General Organa sent us here to speak with Lando Calrissian," Rey replied.

They all seemed to calm a bit, "this way."

They then began to escort them though the halls til they reached a giant room with glass windows all round it

"Wait here," the man said exiting the room.

Rey nodded, then she sat down followed by Ben, Hux and Phasma.

After a few moments a dark skinned man in a beautiful yellow shirt and blue satin cape came in and sat at the far end of a glass table that they had been sitting at. "One of my men tell me General Organa sent you is that true?" he asked.

"Yes," Ben replied.

Lando smirked. "Ben good to see you back."

Ben sighed silently in relief that he still remembered him, and even more importantly that he wasn't still angry with him. "Thank you."

"And who this beauty?" he said gesturing to Rey.

Ben blushed. "She's... my girlfriend," he whispered shyly.

Rey smiled shyly, blushing.

"Thought so, Han would be proud," Lando said.

Ben blushed, and nodded shyly.

"And who this lovely lady" Lando said looking at Phasma

Phasma stared at him blankly for a moment then started to blush, not many people had seen her without her helmet on and she wasn't used to compliments of how she looked.

Kylo offered his cousin a small smirk, insinuating that he should give the same reply that he had.

Hux sit there just blushing hard he didn't know what to say they had just kissed so he knew she liked him, but he wasn't sure if he should say something of that magnitude. Plus Lando didn't completely seem to remember him and he thought it might be awkward saying something like that out loud.

Everyone waited for one of them to speak.

"I'm Hux's girl friend," Phasma said no longer waiting for him to clam her himself.

Hux looked at her his blush only growing

Lando smirked knowing it was the young man that sat there blushing in the chair beside her.

Ben smirked too. About time, he thought.

"Well then how may I help you and Leia?" Lando asked noticing that the young ginger headed boy at the end of the table had almost exploded from the rush of blood flowing to his cheeks.

"The First Order and the Resistance have joined together to form the First Alliance, but both of our fleets were badly diminished, and after an unexpected attack by what seemed to be the Empire reborn. Now we are down to two ships. We have fighters, but no weapons to arm them and no way to transport them. Can you help us?" Ben asked.

"Of corse anything for Han's son and Leia," Lando answered.

"Thank you," Ben replied.

Lando nodded as he stood, "come we must prepare."

They all stood and followed him.

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