Chapter 34

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Hux rubbed his sore arms and shoulders he didn't think fighting with a weightless blade would pull so many muscles.

"How's the training going, kid?" Luke asked as he appeared.

Hux jumped a bit "why do you keep doing that?"

Luke smirked. "I think I have something that will help." He handed Hux a bundle of black cloth.

Hux looked at it questionably as he unfolded it. Inside was the black suit Hux had seen his father where when he was young.

"Your old outfit?" Hux asked, surprised that his father was giving it to him.

Luke nodded. "I wanted you to have it," he looked at him for a moment, a smirk on his face and a twinkle in his eye. He handed his green lightsaber to Hux. "Now you can be a Jedi, like your father before you."

Hux rolled his eyes but gratefully took the saber "thank you dad."

Luke smiled at him and nodded. Then he faded from sight.

Hux quickly got dressed, he wanted to surprise Rey and Ben. He looked in the mirror, it actually fit him pretty well. He was not completely satisfied with how he looked, he combed his hair letting it fall over his forehead and slightly into his eyes like he did when he was younger he trimmed his side burns a bit so that it would match the new hair. Finally, he was done.

Hux happily walked into the training area he couldn't wait to show Rey and Ben.

Rey and Ben were sitting beside each other in the training room, leaning against the wall as they waited for Hux. They looked up at him, their jaws dropped as they saw him.

"How do I look?" he asked.

Ben looked at him for a moment. "Different," he replied at last.

"Like a true Jedi," Rey answered.

Ben nodded. "You look like uncle Luke."

"I hope you mean that in a good way" Hux says.

Ben nodded, "yes... of course. I think it suits you. Besides your General suit was a little too tight and constricting."

"Yes it was not to mention I probably looked very weird" Hux agreed.

Ben smirked, "you did."

"Thanks" Hux said sarcastically.

"You're welcome," Ben said ignoring the sarcasm in his voice.

"But you look awesome now, just as I used to imagine the Jedi from the legends," Rey continued.

"Thank you Rey" Hux said squinting at Ben.

She smiled, then she noticed the lightsaber on his belt. "Is that a new lightsaber?"

"Yeah" he smiled taking it off his belt and handing it to her so she could see it.

She examined the lightsaber, then she ignited it admiring the green blade. "It's amazing," she said. Visions of Luke filled her mind. "Where did you get it?"

"Luke just gave it to me along with the outfit" he answered.

She smiled. "Your father's lightsaber... that's wonderful. I was beginning to feel guilty for keeping this one..." she held up her lightsaber. "...Since it belonged to your father, and both your's and Ben's grandfather."

"Don't worry I think grandfather would love for his future granddaughter in law to have it" Hux smirked.

Rey and Ben both looked at him, shocked. "Granddaughter in law?" They asked at the same time.

"Yeah" Hux says still smirking.

Rey looked at Ben. "Don't look at me," he said gesturing to Hux.

"Why not? It's you she likes, not me she should look at you" Hux pointed out.

Rey was still looking at Ben. He blushed and she smiled.

"Should we start your training?" Ben asked, trying to change the subject.

"Sure if your not lost," Hux replied.

"Lost?" Ben asked, confused.

"Yeah in Rey's eyes" Hux smirked.

Ben blushed. "Well, it's hard not to," he admitted.

Rey smiled shyly. "So what should we teach him today?"

"Why don't we teach him how to Force jump?" Ben suggested.

"Force jump?" Hux echoes.

"Yes," Ben replied. "I'll show you how to do it."

He ran across the room then jumped, using the Force to lift him several feet in the air.  Then he flipped over, landing on the floor in a crouched position. Then he stood up and walked back over to where Rey and Hux were standing.

"You expect my to do that?" Hux said gesturing to where Ben had just flipped.

Ben nodded. "I'm sure that you can, just use the Force."

Hux sighed running across the room, then he jumped but when he tried to flip he only got half way through the flip when he hit the floor back down "you make this look too easy"

"It was easy, you make it look so hard. Try to relax and have fun while you're doing it," Ben answered, trying not to laugh.

"Uhh" Hux stood up holding his back in pain, walking back to Ben and Rey so he could try again he ran jumped and flip but couldn't stick the landing and fell awkwardly on his lift leg "I didn't see how you could have fun doing this" Hux moaned.

"You just need more practice," Rey answered.

"I guess" he hobbled back trying again he ran and flipped then on the landing he had it for a moment but the momentum caused him to face plant the floor "does that count" his muffled voice asked.

Ben was about to laugh out loud, when Rey slapped his arm gently.

"Yes," she answered. "I'm sure you'll be able to stick the landing soon, but I think you should rest for now."

Ben nodded. "Before you turn black and blue."

Hux looked up to glair at him "well you already are"

Ben looked down at himself, then back at Hux obviously puzzled.

"You get the blue from Rey"

Ben nodded, pretending to be upset. "Right across the face," he pointed to his scar.

Hux smirked seeing where Ben was going "terrible, painful as well but then again it is a improvement"

Rey couldn't stop a faint smile, she couldn't deny that his scar was attractive, at least to her. "I'm sorry, Ben."

Ben took her hand. "It's okay sweetheart, it was only a joke... I am my father's son."

"That's for sure" Hux mumbled.

"Thank the Force for that," Rey answered, happy to finally have Ben free of Kylo Ren.

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