Chapter 44

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The First Alliance jumped out of hyper space to Cloud City. The Millennium Falcon landed on the same platform that it had many years before.

The group of fighters exited the freighter with Lando in the lead.

They headed to the doors and entered the (somewhat) floating city. Lando lead them though the vast halls to the engineering room. "Here we are" he said.

"How many ships do you have?" Leia looked around at the vast number of ships.

"Around fifty," Lando said as he continued to walk.

"That will certainly help," Ben said.

At that very moment the small group was surrounded my a large mase of stormtroopers, their blasters at the ready.

Ben was about to reach for his lightsaber, but stopped himself. He could probably take all of these stormtroopers alone, and he could certainly take them with Rey, Hux and Phasma's help. However he didn't want to put his mother in danger. They were surrounded on all sides and he knew that if he made one wrong move the stormtroopers would open fire and his mom could be shot before he had the chance to do anything about it.

Reluctantly, he raised his hands in surrender.

Hux hands instantly shot up reaching for the sky as he saw Ben raise his own hands. If Ben knew not to fight then Hux definitely knew not to fight.

The stormtroopers cuffed them all with Chewbacca howling in protest.

The troopers escorted the group to another room. When they entered the room they where met with the Allegiant General. He smirked cruelly as they entered the room. "Ah If it isn't the Supreme Leader and his sniveling General."

"Allegiant General Pryde, I should have known you were with the Empire," Ben said, in fact it wouldn't surprise him if he wasn't behind all of this.

"Yes and you should have been wiser then to cross us for a scavenger scum," the allegiant General said as he walked forward from his seat.

Ben glared at him. "How dare you speak that way about her, she's better than ten of hundred, actually."

"Ben," Rey whispered, trying to calm him down.

"Oh I see, you think that she is far batter then us all, that the Resistance is somehow better then the First Order or the Empire, but it is not nor has it ever been. They are no more humane then your or I, they lie and kill to protect liars and killers. No my boy they are just evil in far deadly cloak...a white cloak," General Pryde spoke.

Ben shook his head slightly, he hadn't been talking about the Empire as a whole, just Pryde himself. "You're right the First Order and the Resistance aren't so different. But we have become something new something better together, the First Order and the Resistance are gone, we are the First Alliance, there can be peace," Ben replied.

"Ha peace," Pryde laughed.

"Don't try to reason with him he's a half wit," Hux whispered to Ben.

Ben nodded. "I can tell, he called Rey a scavenger scum," he whispered back.

"Take them away," Pryde said. "I have need of them later," he smirked.

The stormtroopers drug them away to the detention area.

The troopers ripped Ben, Rey and Leia away from the group and put them in a separate cell specificity made for force users.

Once the stormtroopers were gone, Ben attempted to open the door with the Force but it wouldn't work. "It won't budge, I should have known Pryde would be too smart to put us in a cell without a special lock on it to ensure that we don't escape."

"Then how are we going to get out of here?" Rey asked. "I don't know about you but I don't want to find out what Pryde has planned for us."

Ben nodded. "Don't worry, we still have hope."

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