Chapter Thirty-One

Start from the beginning

"Where's Zuko?" I asked.

He looked concerned and annoyed, "Facing Azula."

"What?" I got ready to run back, "We have to go get him!"

"(Y/N). Don't make the same mistake he did, you can't just run there with no plan. You think you alone can stand against Azula and who knows how many Dai Li agents?"

I sighed, "Well, what do you think we should do?"

He threw the Dai Li agent over his shoulder, "I think it's time we pay the Avatar a little visit."

"Aang? How do you know where he is?"

"Like you always say," Iroh's eyes twinkled, "I'm a wise old man."

I laughed, "That you are."

I took out my phone to check Zuko's location, just in case, but it looks like his phone was turned off. His status was "currently offline". Well, there goes the advantage of knowing where he is.

Iroh led us to a house and dropped the Dai Li agent on the floor, before knocking on the door.

A familliar face answered it. 


Toph smiled at Iroh and me, "Glad to see you guys are okay. "

Iroh nodded gravely, "I need your help."

I heard Sokka and Aang gasp in surprise.

Toph opened the door fully, inviting us to come in.

Aang looked at Toph, amazed, "Y-you know Zuko's Uncle?! And (Y/N)?" Aang turned to me and bowed, "Hi, (Y/N)."

"Hey, hey," I raised my hands, smiling, "No need for formalities."

Toph smiled, "I met them in the woods once and knocked them down. Then he," she gestured to Iroh, "gave me tea and very good advice."

I shrugged, "That's kind of his thing," I dropped my bag, "Anyway. We have some bad news. Princess Azula is here. In Ba Sing Se."

"She must have Katara," Aang said.

"She took Katara? Sorry," I said.

I didn't know Katara that well, but she's been nice to me.

Iroh nodded, "She has captured my nephew as well."

"Then we'll work together to fight Azula, and save Katara and Zuko," Aang said.

I smiled, "Thank you, Aang."

Sokka looked like he was going to pop a blood vessel, "Woah there. You lost me at, "Zuko"."

I laughed, "Lighten up kid," I patted Sokka's back, "Zuko's alright once you get to know him."

Sokka jerked away, "Don't call me kid! I'm older than you! Besides, I have my doubts about you too."

"Me?" I asked, "What'd I do?"

"You're on his side," Sokka exclaimed.

I shook my head, "I don't believe in sides. Besides, I never attacked you."

"Yes, you did! Back at the South Pole!"

"That was before you were affiliated with Aang. Besides, I helped Aang before. Right, Aang?"

Aang nodded, "That first day at the South Pole, I told you about this Sokka! (Y/N), good. Zuko, bad."

Sokka looked unconvinced, "But that doesn't change the fact that we're actively saving Zuko!"

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