"We're talking about you taking our last name instead of the other way around," Harry explained, wrapping his arm around Peter as he began to attempt to convince him of the name change.

Astrid rolled her eyes playfully before turning to Miles, "Thank you for bringing my fiancé back in one piece."

"It was pretty hard," Miles joked, "You know how he can be."

"I do and yet I somehow signed up to spend the rest of my life with him," she joked too.

"Hey!" Peter called out, obviously still listening in on their conversation.

"Don't be so nosy, Parker," Astrid teased.

"Yo, kids!"

"You do realize we're about to graduate, right? We're far from kids, Tony."

"You'll always be kids in my eyes," he sighed dramatically, "Even if some of you are CEOs and CFOS or companies, superheroes... engaged."

"And pregnant."



"So you can do it but I can?"

"He's old. You'll give him a heart attack if you joke around like that."

"Hurtful," Tony scoffed, "But true. Maybe you two should get married before there's any talk of children."

"Or graduate?" Harley now spoke up for the first time, "Just a suggestion."

"Dully noted," Astrid giggled, "So why were you all late? Peter and Miles had a good excuse but you-"

"Morgan couldn't decide on the 'right outfit'."

"Don't put all the blame on your sister," Tony ruffled his hair, "This one refused to leave until he found his lucky tie."

"It was under my bed back home," Harley smiled sheepishly.

"I... please don't tell me it's lucky because you've never washed it."

"Let's get on line," Harley ignored the question and turned to Miles instead, smiled laughing as they walked off.

"How'd you get back here anyway? Only graduating students can get back here."

"Gwen's here."

"I blend in. You're old."

"I'll have you know I reprogrammed my face to look younger so joke's on you," Tony scoffed.

By the time Tony and Gwen left and Harry had his interest turned to a girl he had gone on a couple of dates with, Astrid turned to Peter excitedly.

"We're graduating. You know what that means?"

"Exactly 31 days, 18 hours and 26 minutes until we get married?"

"That can not be accurate," Astrid frowned, "How do you know that?"

"I have an app that's counting down till the big day," Peter beamed.

"That's crazy," she now sighed happily, wrapping her arms around his neck, "To think, just yesterday I was a new transfer at Midtown and now we're graduating college together."

"Then we'll get married, do everything according to plan like you wanted."

"And without dad's disease getting in the way," she now laid her head on his chest, "I honestly don't see how this could get any better."

"I can..."

Astrid pulled away to look up at Peter expectantly, "How so?"

"Well... I may not have told the entire truth about why I was so late."

"What do you mean?"

"So, there was a police chase but... the chase wasn't after a bad guy for me since..."

"Since what?"

"I was chasing a really adorable dog."

"What? You were almost late to our graduation because you were chasing a dog?"

"I was chasing the bad guy at first but then he abandoned his poor dog so while Miles worked with the police to stop him, I made sure Spidey got to safety."

"Spid- you named the dog?"

Before Peter could attempt to defend himself, everyone was called to take their seats, indicating that the ceremony would be beginning soon.

"I can't believe you got a dog," Astrid whispered when all the talking began.

"I technically didn't get her. She got me. I swear, Astrid, the second you look at that little face you'll see why I had to keep her. There's no saying no to her. If I could just show you a picture-"

"No. I'm trying to act like I'm listening to what they're saying."

"Fine. But, I already started looking at little puppy dresses she could wear for the wedding- she's going to be the perfect ring bearer."


"Please, Astrid. Can we keep her?"

"We talked about this before, Pete. With you busy being Spider-man and me trying to run O Corp, we wouldn't have time to take care care of a dog. It wouldn't be fair to her."

"What if we hire a nanny?"

"A nanny?" Astrid gave him a look, "For a dog?"

"Isn't that what rich people do?" Peter frowned, earning another look from Astrid in disbelief.

"I'm just saying! We could make it work!"

"No, what you're proving is that you can't have a discrete conversation," she scolded him, "I honestly don't know how you managed to keep your identity a secret for so long."

"Maybe I'd be better about it if I had a dog."

"Peter Benjamin Parker. I'm trying to graduate here."

"Then graduate... but keep thinking about that puppy."


When Astrid got looks from students around her, she immediately shot them sorry looks before clearing her throat.

"If I say yes to this dog, will you stop this?"


"Fine. We can keep Spidey."


written: august 02, 2020
posted: august 03, 2020

I honestly didn't know what to write for this chapter so I wrote the first thing to come to my head. A homage to the Amazing Spider-man along with growing their family one adorable puppy at a time 🥺

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