"Then that's what this is about," Astrid frowned, "You feel like you'd be letting that Gwen down. But... but what about us? Leaving us all over again? You really think that's what's best?"


Gwen stopped short when she felt her senses going off, Peter feeling that same 'Peter tingle', immediately standing in front of Astrid- in case of any danger when the door suddenly opened but it wasn't danger at all... in a sense.

Astrid should've known her family wouldn't waste time before making their way to her.

"Where is she?! Where's Astrid- holy undead."

Happy and Harry stood there stunned while a clueless Brad and Lily rushed to hug Astrid.

"Oh thank god! You're okay!"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Astrid chuckled nervously, worried of how her brother would react to Gwen's presence.

"We saw on the news that Spider-dick killed Astrid Osborn. We came here as soon as we heard he was talking some nonsense about needing Tony Stark."

"What?" Tony laughed, already having his face mask turned on, "What load of crap. Tony Stark is dead."

"But Gwen Stacy isn't."

"Who's Gwen- oh hello."

"Oh you are so barking up the wrong tree, kid," Gwen chuckled at Brad.

"I'm too young for you?"

"You're too boy for me. MJ, she's more my type," Gwen smiled softly, obviously thinking about her, which didn't go unnoticed by Astrid who immediately began to secretly text her.

"Wait so MJ is- oh, well that makes sense."

"No, no," Harley gave him a look, "She just wasn't interested in you because she doesn't like you. Not because of her sexual preference."

"Are we all just going to ignore the fact that Gwen's alive?!"

Harry's sudden outburst immediately made Astrid put her phone away, her and Gwen going to his side.


"No-how- why- what- ow! What the hell?"

"I found it more effective if I stab the Osborns without warning."

"But... didn't that make me pass out?"


When Harry woke up again, he was confused to hear Peter complaining about some other Spider-man and his sister staring him down... with Gwen Stacy by her side.

"Is this... is this real?"

"Yeah?" Gwen bit her lip nervously, "Surprise?"

Harry immediately pulled her into a tight hug, "Oh my god. I've missed you so much."

"Me too," Gwen sighed, relaxing in his arms as she hugged back, "As great as the other Harry was, he wasn't you."

"Well, no one can really be- I'm sorry. Other Harry?"

"Did I forget to mention that I was basically trapped in another earth all these years?"

Harry pulled away from the hug, only staring at her before looking at Astrid, "Explain- and keep in mind that I'm nowhere near as smart as you two."

"It's pretty simple, really," Gwen chuckled nervously, "When your dad dropped me from that bridge, I didn't fall to my death but a portal where I ended up in an Earth almost like this and I've been there ever since."

"She's been trying to get back when out of nowhere a portal opened again and here she is!"

"So you're here to stay?"


"She wants to leave us! Can you believe this shit, Harry?"

"Gwen!" he glared as he stood up hastily, "You can't leave! We just got you back!"

"The other Earth needs me."

"Other Earth? What about us? We've mourned you all these years. And your dad! He would be so happy to see you again- your whole family would! You can't just leave now."


"Did you not miss us?"

"Of course I have!" she frowned, "I would love nothing more than to get back to you all and this life but I have responsibilities that I can't easily forget about."

"Why not? You've spent all those years over there. You've done enough. It's time to come home."

"It's not that easy."

"How isn't it that easy? We're your family, Gwen! Or what, have those other wannabes replaced us? Is that why you want to go back?"

"No one has replaced you," Gwen rolled her eyes playfully.

It may have been years but Astrid still knew Gwen like the back of her hand, "Oh my god. They have. You're closer to them now. Aren't you?"

"I- no!"

"Are you dating that MJ now too?"

"Where the hell did that come from?"

"Why aren't you answering the question?"

"Because the question is dumb and invasive..."

Unfortunately, while Gwen was ranting to the siblings, she missed her senses going off so while Peter has finally stopped his own rant to look at the door to see who the new arrivals would be, she remained oblivious to those now staring at her in shock.

"Gwen?" Michelle finally spoke up, Ned's jaw dropping in shock when Gwen did turn to face them before a giant smile took over seconds later.

"Oh, I knew it!"

written: 5 minutes ago
posted: may 11, 2020

posting will continue to be delayed since no ideas have come my way for finishing this story 🙃

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