But she was dead, and it was all his fault.

* * * * *

"You're in a good mood." Malfoy says sarcastically as he takes a seat next to me. Currently, I was slumped in my seat, ready for potions to start. My head was rested on my arms, and my hood of my school cloak was currently up. It was my subtle way of letting people know not to talk to me. Obviously Malfoy hadn't gotten the memo.

"Aren't I always?" I retort, equally sarcastic. "What's got your panties in a twist?" He asks. "Didn't sleep well." I mumble. I had only gotten two hours of sleep the previous night. It was currently Monday, and it had been two days since being attacked by Death Eaters, yet I couldn't escape them. All night, my sleep was plagued by nightmares of Death Eaters, mercury masks, and silver daggers.

"That's unfortunate." He muses.

"What's more unfortunate is having to see you today." I say.

"But you see me every day." He frowns.

"Yes, but you're considerably more annoying today." I snap.

"We've only been talking for a few minutes Ashwood." He says, annoyed.

"And that's a few minutes longer than I would like." I groan.

"You're quite the difficult woman." He sneers.

"Just shut up already!" I shout impulsively.

Everyone goes silent and looks right at me, even Malfoy. I try to hide under my hood as I feel the embarrassment quickly creep in. I hadn't planned on shouting that loud, I just wanted the idiot to shut up.

"Jesus, what's wrong with you?" He mumbles under his breath. Slughorn waddles in seconds later, wearing his usual velvet robes.

The rest of the day had passed incredibly slow. After my outburst towards Malfoy, he made sure to give me my space. Between a lack of sleep and the events of this past weekend, my head felt like a war zone. Thoughts and questions were rushing through me every second.

I couldn't ignore the fact that I was supposed to be the downfall of this stupid Death Eater "restoration," whatever it was. I could barely keep up with my own responsibilities.

Slowly the days began to turn into weeks and suddenly, the end of October was just a few days away. The school had been decorated in an array of festive decorations for the upcoming holiday, Halloween.

The crisp fall air buzzed with excitement as every student, young or old, prepared. The previous week had consisted of a trip to Hogsmeade to find some costumes. Much to my displeasure, I was practically forced to purchase one.

It took hours for Arden to convince me to go as an angel whilst she would go as a Devil. I finally gave in, tired of hearing her beg. Capri and Daphne had planned to go as vampires. I couldn't help but dread Halloween. Back in California, it was basically an excuse to dress up all slutty and get absolutely wasted. I was sure it wouldn't be much different here.

Finally a week later, it was the day everyone had been looking forward to, aside from me. I begrudgingly pulled on a white, form fitting dress Arden had picked out for me. I looked at myself in the mirror. The fabric hugged my body, and I flushed feeling far too exposed for my liking. I walk out of the bathroom.

"I'm not going down there." I state firmly. The three girls looked up at me quickly. I hear Arden gasp. "Yes you are!! You look so freaking hot of course you're going." She exclaims, looking at me with wide eyes.

I notice Capri and Daphne also looking at me, smirks on their faces and a twinkle in their eyes. "She's right, you look good as hell." Capri smirks. "Mmhmm!" Daphne hums in agreement.

THE VISION THIEF - D. MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now