Tony sighed. There's no turning back now. They're friends after all, or trying to be, and this is about Steve. Not him. So the blond won't ask about his personal life.

The rich teen sat down in front of his friend and looked him in the eyes nervously. "If I were you, I would wait until my injury heals. Then I would start practicing."

"But what if it won't heal? What if I can't compete on Monday." Steve mumbled.

"Then you can't. You're still on the team and one of the best players on the field." Tony said in an obvious tone. "Look I get that soccer is important to you, but you can't play soccer if you don't recover fully from an injury."

Steve looked at him carefully with adoration in his eyes. He knew that Tony was right. If he kept ignoring his foot, it would never heal fully and he'll have an injury his whole life.

He nodded understanding. "'re right..." he said.

"Of course I'm right. Who you think you're talking to?" Tony replied cockily before standing up. "Now are you just gonna sit there or get going?" He asked with a smirk.

Steve shook his head in amusement. "Well I would get going if I actually could stand."

Tony rolled his eyes. "Seriously? You want me to carry you or something?" He asked sarcastically, knowing fully well that Steve could stand.

The blond smiled before trying to stand up, only to realize that he actually couldn't. He tried again, but his foot refused to cooperate. "Erm..Tony."


Steve looked down at the ground awkwardly. "I-I can't get up..."

"Oh for the love of-...fine. Here, I'll help you." He groaned before he bent down and tossed Steve's arm over his head, resting it over his shoulders as he helped him to his feet.

Steve swallowed nervously as he rested his weight on his injured foot, only to realize that he could handle walking. For a while at least.

"Can you walk?" Tony asked tiredly as he ignored the small tingling feeling inside of his stomach as his hand met Steve's.

"I don't think so.." Steve mumbled embarrassed, knowing that this was his own doing.

"Well great. Can your parents come and pick you up or something?"

Steve looked at Tony as the corner of his mouth twitched upwards. "I had no idea you could be so caring."

"I had no idea you were such an idiot." Tony fought back as his eyes met Steve's big blue ones, which he regretted immediately. His sight seemed to be stuck in those see blue pupils, swallowing him in and not letting him go.

"My parents are at work. They won't be home before tonight." The blond said with a sad smile as he took a small step, trying to walk by himself which didn't go so well. "Ever since we moved here they've been working late. I'm usually home alone." He explained.

Tony nodded. "Yea...I know how you feel."

Steve looked at him with an interested glare. "You do? Are your parents also working late?"

Tony bit his lip, trying to think of a way to get out of this situation as fast as possible.

"Hmm...sometimes." he answered casually. More like every fucking time but okay.

As he sat Steve down on a chair close to the field he pulled out his phone. "Gonna call you a cab." He mumbled as he searched up the right number. His dad had a lot of free cab's that were mostly for his fancy pancy guests and special workers.

My SEXY enemy (Stony Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now