Chapter Sixty-One: The Site Accident

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A week later, the housing project site was bustling with activity. Jennie now spent her mornings on the site working with Yeji and Bobby on the section with completed units.

Jisoo was usually at another site with Changmin. Because the project was ahead of schedule and one entire wing was complete on the first floor, she stopped by to see the progress for herself.

Jisoo was at a work table with Hanbin, the site foreman, making notes on the blueprints. Getting an update on what was happening.

It wasn't uncommon for chatter on the walkies to be taking place. A sense of urgency was now playing over them.

"Jimin, get that thing under control!"

"I'm trying! The damn thing is stuck!"

Jisoo and Hanbin turned to find the crane lifting studs up to the fourth level between sections two and three on the verge of oping its contents.

"Jimin! What's going on?" Hanbin shouted into his walkie. "Get it away from section three!"

One of the metal clips snapped. The lumber is precariously teetering.

"Everyone in section three, get out of there!" Hanbin ordered.

As crew members raced out of their section, Jisoo saw the lumber getting closer to falling.

"It's gonna hit section two," Jisoo said.

Both Hanbin and Jisoo looked in section two. Jennie and Bobby were there. Totally oblivious to the scene unfolding around them.

What the hell is she doing out of section one?

Jennie was pointing at something while in conversation with Bobby.

Another snap overhead had Jisoo on her walkie. "I want everyone out of section two, double time!"

Why they weren't moving?

A final loud snap and studs came off.

Hanbin and Jisoo were running toward the section while the others were scattering out.

"Jennie!" Jisoo shouted.

Jennie turned and saw Jisoo running toward her.

"Get out of there!"

Jennie heard something overhead and looked up just in time to see all the studs raining down on them.

As they came closer and closer, the adrenaline took over. Jennie used both hands and shoved Bobby out of the path of the studs.

What the hell is she doing? Jisoo thought as she watched Jennie turn and run into where the studs were going to fall.

Just before the studs hit the ground, Jennie screamed. When the dust settled, no signs of her.

Jisoo and Hanbin had made it to the fallen debris, as did many of her crew.

"Jennie!" Jisoo shouted out for her, moving some of the studs.


"Dammit Jennie! Come on, say something!"

Jisoo's crew began working with her moving the studs and other fallen debris.

When Bobby approached to help, Jisoo turned to him. "Not you!"

"But Architect Kim..."

"You are not to come near here until we find out if you've been hurt. Get over there!"

While all this was happening, Hanbin called for an ambulance and Lia.

Jisoo heard Hanbin as he told Lia to get in touch with the sitter and have her pick up Jinwoo from pre-school and stay with him until she heard otherwise.

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