Chapter Fifty-One: The Paradise 🔞

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Lalisa followed Jennie to the office. As they pulled in, Jennie noticed Jisoo's truck was still up front.

She parked at the back of the building, just like always. Lalisa and Jennie entered via the back door, which was closer to her office.

With Jisoo working late, Jennie didn't want Jisoo to know what she was doing there. She was in her fact finding phase, and didn't want another confrontation until she had all her ducks in a row.

Just one final piece to the puzzle.

Verifying with Lalisa that Yeri was the only one with the ledger software that placed all the orders for all the sites.

Security lights illuminated the area, allowing Jennie to go into her office without turning on any. She powered up her computer and accessed the ledger program.

Both she and Lalisa stopped frozen at the sound of Jisoo's voice.


It took a moment for them to realize Jisoo was speaking from her office. Cautiously, they approached the still open adjoining door.

Oh, this oughta be good, Jennie thought as the scene played out before her and Lalisa.

Jisoo hated going home on the nights she wasn't with Jinwoo. The house back to its cold, lonely feel without her wife and son.

She stood at the copier watching it spit out her request, deep in thought. How had everything fallen apart so quickly?

Working with Jennie during the day, or at least seeing her each day, had things stirring in Jisoo she was having a hard time keeping under control.

Gone still was the contempt Jennie held before the accident.

The office ran smoother than it ever had. How had Lalisa maneuvered all the crisis at the sites keeping Jisoo at work late hours; causing the turmoil at home that had Jennie running to Lalisa for comfort? Why hadn't Jisoo seen it coming?

Jisoo leaned against the copy machine. How could the person who stood beside her at her wedding rip the one thing she treasured most from her? And how did she allow it to happen?

Lalisa had been such a friend. If it hadn't been for her, Jisoo felt her marriage would have fallen apart after the first few months.

Jisoo's mind drifting back...


"Hey, Mrs. Kim," Lalisa called as she entered the small room they rented for an office.

Jisoo looked up from the drafting table. Nothing was coming. She sat there looking at a sheet of paper that was as blank as it was when she sat down an hour ago.

Lalisa approached and looked at the blank page. "Look Sooya, I get the whole newlywed thing. But, you need to get some sleep. I need you here."

Jisoo stood and paced. "I wish I could sleep," she answered.

"Okay, you're married to the woman with a great body. I got that. But, if we're going to get this Ark of yours off the ground, we need a start."

"I know. I just can't concentrate."

They hadn't come up with a design that was unique to Jisoo's Arkitects. The only income they had coming in was from remodels. And those were only going to last so long.

Lalisa noticed Jisoo's serious mood. "Sooya's, what's going on?"

Jisoo turned and faced her best friend. "I'm gonna lose her."

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