Chapter Two: The Condition

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Three days since the accident and Jisoo was beside her wife's bed. Jennie was so pale. As she looked at her, even her black hair seemed less vibrant.

Jisoo held her hand, trying to come to grips with the events of the past four days.

"Oh Jen, why were you out driving in the rain and fog?" she asked her wife.

The nurse entered and began another IV. Jisoo didn't recognize this nurse.

"What are you doing?" she asked the nurse.

"Mrs. Kim, your wife's temperature is very high. Doctor Lee has put her on a second antibiotic."

"Why does she have a fever?"

Jisoo couldn't keep up with all the crisis that were coming up since her accident. Just seeing her wife hooked up to monitors and IV's felt surreal.

Jennie hated needles and would freak out knowing all the poking and prodding she was going through. And now the nurse was adding a fifth medication to her IV.

Doctor Lee entered and heard Jisoo's question. "Mrs. Kim, your wife has developed pneumonia."

"What? How?"

"Her body is very weak right now. Infections are difficult for her to fight off. We need to get her temperature down and fluid out of her lungs."

Jisoo ran her hand through her hair. "I don't understand. You said if she survived the first night her chances would improve."

Doctor Lee motioned for Jisoo to leave the room with him. Once in a consult room, (a room Jisoo was really beginning to hate), she sat and waited for him to continue, wondering just what decision she'd have to make today.

"Mrs. Kim, we need to concentrate on this pneumonia."

"What are you saying?"

"If we can't get this under control, we'll have to put her on a ventilator," Doctor Lee told her. He saw the disbelief she felt. "Mrs. Kim, we're in an hour by hour situation with your wife."

"Hour by hour?" Jisoo barely had a voice.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Kim, but your wife's chances of survival are less than her first night."

"What are they?" Jisoo asked. "Her chances."

"She's in very critical condition. She's at a five percent chance right now." Doctor Lee let Jisoo take in the information. "Mrs. Kim," he called and waited for her to look at him. "If we ventilate her, you'll have to make some difficult decisions."

Jisoo stood and paced. "No, I will not give you permission to let her die." She looked at the doctor. "Jinwoo needs Jennie."

"I'm not giving up, Mrs. Kim. I'll do everything I can as long as Miss Jennie fights with me."

Jennie was a fighter. Always had been.

"Jennie won't give up," Jisoo told Doctor Lee.


She entered the lounge after meeting with Doctor Lee. She wouldn't be making it back to work today.

Powering up her cell phone, she tuned it to the channel restricted to the office. Using the walkie-talkie feature, she found her voice.

"Yeri? You there?"

"Jisoo? Where are you? I thought you'd be back after lunch."

"I won't be back today."

Yeri heard the sadness in Jisoo's voice, "Jisoo, what's going on?"

"Jennie's taken a turn for the worse."

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